Kelsey Barnard Clark

Kelsey Barnard Clark Instagram – Hostessing with kids 101: I can’t stress a kid station enough if you’re hostessing with kids . Sure it may seem that you’re spoiling the little people but really y’all, you’re ensuring that you enjoy yourself also. Kids entertained adults entertained= errrrbody happy.

How to do it :
– An activity area of sorts. This can be coloring, painting, play do, a movie. I like to hit up the dollar general for this.
– Have a snack bar just like a bar cart. All varieties of drinks, snacks, etc for them to grab.
– Have their food ready the moment they get there so you can feed them then enjoy yourselves during your mealtime.
– Have a loose “schedule” in your brain that literally no one else knows about. Remember you are the herder & they are the sheep 😉. For me this night looked like this: adult cocktail hour kids eat , adults eat kids activity time , adults socialize by fire smores with kids | Posted on 10/Apr/2024 00:04:24

Kelsey Barnard Clark
Kelsey Barnard Clark

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