Kirrilee Berger

Kirrilee Berger Instagram – Unsung Hero is in US theaters everywhere right now. Being entrusted to play Rebecca St. James has been the biggest blessing of my life thus far. This project expanded my entire life beyond my wildest dreams. I will be forever humbled and grateful. This cast and crew are some of the best I have ever worked with. I cannot wait for you all to see the genius performances from Joel (David) and Daisy (Helen). I cannot wait for you to see how masterfully Johnny shot this film. I cannot wait for you to see how brilliant Beverly Holloway’s casting is. I cannot wait for you to see how much love, care, heart and faith were in the direction from Richie and Joel. I cannot wait for you to hear the Smallbone’s harrowing, miraculous and TRUE story. As you all sit in theaters thinking- no WAY. I need to remind you. This happened. Family is the way. Hope is the way. Music is the way. I hope you will leave the theaters inspired to return to your heart, your community, your art and to your family. Chosen or blood. When you band together with your community and foster hope and determination, you would be amazed at how life begins to open up. Thank you for supporting our film. Thank you for supporting the Smallbone’s. Thank you for supporting Rebecca. “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family” Unsung Hero. In US theaters. Everywhere. Now. I cannot believe get to say that. Thank you. Love, Kirrilee (Rebecca) | Posted on 26/Apr/2024 17:54:44

Kirrilee Berger
Kirrilee Berger

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