Michelle Kim McCoy

Michelle Kim McCoy Instagram – *rolls in* First of all, the amount of takes I had to do to get this right is downright comical 😂 Moving on…Do you believe that God is still good even if your circumstances are not? It’s natural to assume that what God allows to happen is tied to His character but if you critically read His Word (aka the Bible), you will discover that God is working ALL things for our good and His glory.

Doing life with Jesus does not mean life is now exempt from hardship, pain & loss but it does mean we won’t go through it alone. As we sincerely seek to be in relationship with Him, He will give us insight and wisdom on how to best handle our situations. As we pursue people who will encourage us in God’s Word, we will eventually find ourselves in a beautiful community that reminds us of our purpose here on Earth and our value to the Father.

We may not “got this” but HE DOES and He will get us through. *rolls out* | Posted on 17/Mar/2024 20:19:57

Michelle Kim McCoy
Michelle Kim McCoy

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