Natasha Khan

Natasha Khan Instagram – ~ Part 3 ~ As I reveal my statement in the lead up to the release of my new music, I count myself very privileged to be able to create an album about the profound experience of motherhood. I get to celebrate the life of my child. There is immense suffering in the world, and it is not lost on me that at this raw and poignant moment, I am releasing a piece of work about the sanctity of childhood; healing our inner child, the collective mother wound and the importance of universal connectedness.
I hope this music translates what I want for everyone; to feel connected, in awe of nature and of life, grateful to co-exist on our planet.
This is a work about unconditional love, and ultimately protecting and acknowledging that pureness.

🌀 Sign up to my mailing list to receive my full Personal Statement about my forthcoming record | Posted on 21/Feb/2024 05:10:02

Natasha Khan
Natasha Khan

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