Sarah Carter

Sarah Carter Instagram – Peace and love from my living room…

Lately, I have felt like the world I see here on IG is not the world I want to perpetuate. There is light and love everywhere I look as much as there is darkness and disgrace. The block set we are playing with in these photos is called “women who dared”… dared to rebel for love, speak truth, share wisdom, and new ways.

My gorgeous white wolf-like-creature commonly referred to as a dog is so calm in these photos and yet she digs up the garden, escapes, causes upheaval in the community and like any child she inconveniently demands attention, but she is a part of us and lives for these lazy hours of nothingness and togetherness.

So excited to learn that in the 6th grade I played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, Alice wanted to dress up as Dorthy and “practice” to send my school friends from Winnipeg a karaoke video. Her purity and the song itself brought me to tears as I realized how formative and prevalent Somewhere Over the Rainbow remains to my spirit.

I now host women’s circles and have for two decades to bring us in closer touch with our creative and healing natures… home to ourselves. The learning is age old to face our own darkness to find our way through to self-realization/freedom, but also that we are not meant to be alone. Our unique paths and gifts are essential to the whole. We are designed to find beauty in our pain by sharing.

I hope this post inspires your own softeness and slowness this weekend… to remind yourself that you can find your way back home.

In the YouTube lineup after the kareoke video, a post of my now husband Kevin and I singing together randomly popped up. I hadn’t seen it since before Alice was born and needed to… to be reminded of the original bond between us that has bore so much fruit in spite of incredible challenges and heartbreaks… the song, too, is about mother love… unconditional love… where we come from before the confusion… a return home.

And finally, an exercise I offered to the women in my circle last week: Write yourself a letter of encouragement from your Dreamer. We all need to feel less lost. What if you were right where you belong? Give yourself some recognition. | Posted on 01/Jun/2024 02:43:40

Sarah Carter
Sarah Carter

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