Sarma Melngailis

Sarma Melngailis Instagram – It’s Christmas Eve and I’m trapped under sleeping Leon (pic 1) so posting this (w a bunch of random throwbacks) … I’m not very good at social media and this world of constant DMs, texts, and all variety of digital incoming feels overwhelming in a strange new way. Like I want to run to a silent meditation retreat in the woods. Still. I love you all. I’m staying put, ready to stand back up and do whatever it takes. Not for me but for what’s meant to return… to you. 🦆🎄✨ Merry Christmas. 🎁
I believe in miracles.
(… you sexy thing) <— name that band.
💓✨💓✨💓✨💓✨💓 | Posted on 25/Dec/2023 07:18:41

Sarma Melngailis
Sarma Melngailis

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