Sarma Melngailis

Sarma Melngailis Instagram – Lots of wisdom in this book by @briangrazer. I was curious to read it after recent @richroll podcast and recalling a years-ago @timferriss podcast from which I remembered Brian’s engaging storytelling. So glad I got the book. Fun fact: @imagineentertainment’s Imagine Documentaries was one of two groups interested in my story before it ended up being made independently by the Director / Producer and *then* after completion sold to Netflix as Bad Vegan. Reading this book made me think Imagine would never have allowed something like Bad Vegan, as it turned out, or with that title. For more of @oneluckyrescuedog’s favorite reads see #leonreadsbooks … I’ve been slacking on posting his reading material. Lots going on these days. 😬😬😳📚💓✨ (also my sociopath radar went off a couple times during some of the stories… about the subjects—sociopathy ought to be more widely understood, I believe) | Posted on 14/Dec/2023 05:25:26

Sarma Melngailis
Sarma Melngailis

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