Ashley Judd Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Ashley Judd with over 113.5K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Ashley Judd
We have around 101 most liked posts and photos of Ashley Judd with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 113.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 113.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 113.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 57.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 24.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 24.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 24.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Ashley Judd Thumbnail - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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1. 113.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 113.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : My big sister. My protector who powdered me when I was an infant, let me do her Civics homework when I was in 6th grade (which made me feel “big”), who taught me how to drive (it was a 1957 Chevy), with whom I compared mosquito bites after we played in eastern Kentucky creeks looking for crawdads. Oh, yes — she happened to sing some, too. This past Friday, she sang in Knoxville, and it was glorious. My favorite songs are the ones our Mama wrote, so customized for her voice are they. Thank you to fans for loving my sister @wynonnajudd and helping to give her life purpose and meaning, and for recognizing that she’s indeed the G.O.A.T.
Likes : 113471

2. 113.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 113.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : My big sister. My protector who powdered me when I was an infant, let me do her Civics homework when I was in 6th grade (which made me feel “big”), who taught me how to drive (it was a 1957 Chevy), with whom I compared mosquito bites after we played in eastern Kentucky creeks looking for crawdads. Oh, yes — she happened to sing some, too. This past Friday, she sang in Knoxville, and it was glorious. My favorite songs are the ones our Mama wrote, so customized for her voice are they. Thank you to fans for loving my sister @wynonnajudd and helping to give her life purpose and meaning, and for recognizing that she’s indeed the G.O.A.T.
Likes : 113471

3. 113.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 113.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : My big sister. My protector who powdered me when I was an infant, let me do her Civics homework when I was in 6th grade (which made me feel “big”), who taught me how to drive (it was a 1957 Chevy), with whom I compared mosquito bites after we played in eastern Kentucky creeks looking for crawdads. Oh, yes — she happened to sing some, too. This past Friday, she sang in Knoxville, and it was glorious. My favorite songs are the ones our Mama wrote, so customized for her voice are they. Thank you to fans for loving my sister @wynonnajudd and helping to give her life purpose and meaning, and for recognizing that she’s indeed the G.O.A.T.
Likes : 113471

4. 89.2K Likes

Ashley Judd - 89.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Today is the two year anniversary of my beloved mother’s death by suicide. The approach of 30 April has felt fast and reckless, (and highjacked by Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction being overturned, frankly). I have wanted to slow down time, to think through how I wanted to care for and support myself today. And then the good David Kessler, grief expert, reached out to me and validated that the the anniversary ” is often very difficult, especially the days that precede it. That helped me feel known and seen. ****I want to share something Mom did before she died that epitomizes her both her motherly love and imagination: many years ago, she wrote me a birthday card to open after her death. I found it in our barn. I opened it this year (last year was too soon for me). It is simply extraordinary. She reminisces about how dear I was as a child, reminds me of how proud of me she is, encourages me to be “spiritually strong.” She closes her precious card, “Always, Mommy.” Today, and all days, yes. Yes. Always, Mommy.
Likes : 89192

5. 57.3K Likes

Ashley Judd - 57.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love spring birthdays and I love my Pop. He came into my life when I was 11 and the day we met I was practicing my cheerleader moves – and he let me climb up to stand on his shoulders before we fully knew each others’ names. He’s held me high since then, and with Mom gone, we are closer than ever. Happy Birthday, Pop.
Likes : 57340

6. 57.3K Likes

Ashley Judd - 57.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love spring birthdays and I love my Pop. He came into my life when I was 11 and the day we met I was practicing my cheerleader moves – and he let me climb up to stand on his shoulders before we fully knew each others’ names. He’s held me high since then, and with Mom gone, we are closer than ever. Happy Birthday, Pop.
Likes : 57340

7. 57.3K Likes

Ashley Judd - 57.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love spring birthdays and I love my Pop. He came into my life when I was 11 and the day we met I was practicing my cheerleader moves – and he let me climb up to stand on his shoulders before we fully knew each others’ names. He’s held me high since then, and with Mom gone, we are closer than ever. Happy Birthday, Pop.
Likes : 57340

8. 50.3K Likes

Ashley Judd - 50.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Hello Community! I wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s been here a while and thank you to those who are new. I’m an actor, humanitarian, and a writer (in no particular order!). Follow me here for updates, and thanks for being with me.
Likes : 50270

9. 50.2K Likes

Ashley Judd - 50.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Today marks 56 years of being on this earth, and I am thankful to be here with y’all. As a powerful woman in recovery, perhaps the best gift I’ve ever given to myself was entering treatment 18 years ago. Though life’s path is filled with challenges, it’s also a remarkable journey of self-discovery and healing that has helped shaped me into the woman I am today. As I look to another year, I am grateful for the opportunity to continue learning, walking closer with my Higher Power (who is in me like butter is in milk), striving for equity and the end of all harm. What was the best birthday gift you gave yourself? Let me know below! Thank you for your unwavering support and for being part of this beautiful journey with me.
Likes : 50183

10. 45.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 45.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last week @andersoncooper and I visited, having a vulnerable and open conversation about trauma and grief, as we both have experienced the loss of a loved one by suicide. It is honest and real – and I trust real. I hope you listen and share what resonates with you. You can listen to our conversation in Episode 5 of “All There Is with Anderson Cooper” wherever you get your podcasts.
Likes : 45612

11. 35.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 35.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : My mother died by suicide more than a year ago. Since that horrific day, my family has been faced with certain media publishing photos and video of her death — images that have complicated and compounded our lifelong grief. During #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek, I’m recommitting to fight for laws that protect privacy of families ravaged by death by suicide, and for more resonsible reporting from the press about the mental illness that drives people to such a drastic measure. It is neither ethical nor decent to publish the kind of invasive details about death by suicide that appeared in print and on the internet after my mother’s death. All reporting on suicide needs to be medically accurate, evidence-based, cautious about contagions that activate and increase further self-harm ideation in readers and viewers, and informed by the guidelines established by @afspnational Thank you, National Press Club, for the podium. @pressclubdc
Likes : 35454

12. 27.7K Likes

Ashley Judd - 27.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : We are frustrated, sad, and heartbroken that NY overturned Harvey Weinstein’s conviction. We are devastated for the survivors of Harvey Weinstein and survivors everywhere who have ever bravely testified in pursuit of justice. Survivors deserve better. Thank you @ashley_judd for your fight and @jodikantor for your tenacious reporting. Sending love to all the survivors out there reading this news. We believe you, we are #HereForYou, and we will fight for you. ☎️💬 RAINN and the National Sexual Assault Hotline is here for survivors and their loved ones 24/7 at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or in English and in Spanish. 🎥 : @cbsmornings #SAAPM #SAAM #HereForYou #SupportSurvivors #MeToo
Likes : 27664

13. 27.1K Likes

Ashley Judd - 27.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Y’all are so awesome for cheering me on, and I notice how often you ask about my leg and foot recovery. That accident in DRC was hellacious to a factor of 10. I remain grateful to my siblings there who saved my life and encouraged my spirit as I was carried out of the depths of the second lung of the planet for 67 hours to get medical attention and that first pain medicine. It’s been a long journey to full recovery: I have had a parasite (gone now, and featured, thank you, in the New England Journal of Medicine, so exotic was it), mono, big weight gain, and now loss, finally a diagnosis of a sleepiness sleep disorder (I now know why I always napped over lunch on movie sets!), and more! Every day, I am profoundly grateful for SAG/AFTRA union insurance & my healthcare team. Saved my leg, saved my life. Now, I add PT & Functional Strength Trainer Maggie Mullins to that crack team! We are addressing that once-paralyzed nerve and nearly amputated leg in order to add more technical hiking to my abilities: uneven terrain with loose rocks and carrying a big heavy backpack again. Being able to load my right knee sideways, power up off my right foot, do sideways agility, reverse lunges on stairs holding uneven weights…miracles, all. And, sit cross-legged! I was not supposed to be able to do that ever again! The balancing is just incredible. She’ll have me pause mid-air and turn my head to each side: “Look at the bear!” And I can do it. When I had my nerve conduction study in 2021, the Doctor said, “I do not know that this foot will ever move again.” To that dude….watch this. I am realistic, so of course, I feel a little intimidated by Yellowstone National Park. And, I am enthralled by Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone, I am excited to meet you!
Likes : 27108

14. 25.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 25.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Entire speech is on my Facebook. This week I spoke at #CGI2023 to talk about gender-based violence and how it impacts women and girls around the world. The rise of gender-based violence from the covert, small humiliations to grave bodily damage impacts not just the individual but an entire family, a community, a country, our world — it impacts all of us. Sexual violence pervasiveness constrains human development, and economic and geopolitical progress. We must end male entitlement to female bodies, it is that simple and it is that complex.
Likes : 25826

15. 24.7K Likes

Ashley Judd - 24.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Celebrate 18 years of recovery with me! Thank you the good people at Shades of Hope who reached out to the “lost child” that I was, offering healing and a ever deeper & more beautiful way of life as the years pass. There is always a path of peace for us, whether our loved ones change, acknowledge the existence of a problem, or get their own help. We are not betraying them when we ourselves thrive. In fact, we are giving them hope.
Likes : 24736

16. 24.7K Likes

Ashley Judd - 24.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Celebrate 18 years of recovery with me! Thank you the good people at Shades of Hope who reached out to the “lost child” that I was, offering healing and a ever deeper & more beautiful way of life as the years pass. There is always a path of peace for us, whether our loved ones change, acknowledge the existence of a problem, or get their own help. We are not betraying them when we ourselves thrive. In fact, we are giving them hope.
Likes : 24736

17. 24.7K Likes

Ashley Judd - 24.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Celebrate 18 years of recovery with me! Thank you the good people at Shades of Hope who reached out to the “lost child” that I was, offering healing and a ever deeper & more beautiful way of life as the years pass. There is always a path of peace for us, whether our loved ones change, acknowledge the existence of a problem, or get their own help. We are not betraying them when we ourselves thrive. In fact, we are giving them hope.
Likes : 24736

18. 24.7K Likes

Ashley Judd - 24.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Celebrate 18 years of recovery with me! Thank you the good people at Shades of Hope who reached out to the “lost child” that I was, offering healing and a ever deeper & more beautiful way of life as the years pass. There is always a path of peace for us, whether our loved ones change, acknowledge the existence of a problem, or get their own help. We are not betraying them when we ourselves thrive. In fact, we are giving them hope.
Likes : 24736

19. 23.2K Likes

Ashley Judd - 23.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Happy Gratitude Day to all who celebrate! I spend the Gratitude Holiday with family and Chosen Family, and while it looks different this year without Mom, the feeling is the same. However you spend this day, I hope you all feel peace and love, and have a very full belly, and remain mindful of the needs of others.
Likes : 23152

20. 20K Likes

Ashley Judd - 20K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Naomi Ellen Judd. (nee Diana) January 11, 1946 🤍 Happy Birthday, Beloved Mama. Love, Sweetpea
Likes : 20001

21. 19.1K Likes

Ashley Judd - 19.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Winter holidays, reflecting in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Likes : 19087

22. 18.9K Likes

Ashley Judd - 18.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I live and love in a politically mixed family, and believe it or not, we have found our way to peace, dignity, respect, and even humor. (Gone are the verbally, ahem, “wild” suppers of my college years when everyone felt hurt and misunderstood.) I have learned to hold complexity and nuance, let go of either/or, ask myself if I want to be right or loved, and be more curious rather than quoting facts all the time. It is damn hard work and the road can be long. It does *not* mean tolerating unacceptable behavior. Its reward is a sense of integrity and peace with others, crucially, this: Learning to stand for something without standing against my fellows. I would love to hear what you are trying, what has and has not worked, and your hopes for reducing conflict and holding more openness. #KitchenTableDiplomacy
Likes : 18920

23. 18K Likes

Ashley Judd - 18K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : This morning, I was excitedly preparing to reserve our Yellowstone National Park backcountry campsites. Jodi Kantor from the NYT called, and texted simultaneously, “pick up rn,” and I did. She shared the news that the New York Court of Appeals had overturned Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 conviction on felony sex crime charges. Yet again, male sexual violence had intruded upon and disturbed a beautiful day, as it does every day in the lives of American women. We live on a daily basis with male entitlement to our female bodies. The most dangerous place in the US for us is in our homes. The men who most commonly assault, rape, and kill us are men who know. Each of us who survived Harvey Weinstein’s serial sexual predation knew him. He exploited, gleefully, the asymmetry of power in our relationship to him. He defamed me after I barely evaded his sexual assault in that hotel room in 1996. I did not evade his grotesque sexual harassment, wrath, and punishment. My art and my pocketbook are still different to this day because of him. The misguided opinion of 4 judges today does not change what we survivors know, and we acknowledge the fierceness of the minority opinion. The truth is consistent. There are multiple forces at work here. One is the power of those of us with lived experience as survivors of male sexual violence and our voices. When we share our stories, we exercise leadership by sparking others to join us in shared actions toward safety and freedom from sexual harm. We let other folks know we see them, we hear them, we believe them, we love them. We have community. The other force is institutional betrayal. We must work within and from outside institutions to encourage them to adopt the research-based, concrete actions of Institutional Courage. So many survivors share that the “second rape” and moral injury of institutional betrayal is harder to live with than the original crime against their bodies.
Likes : 18041

24. 17.9K Likes

Ashley Judd - 17.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Happy 90th birthday to an icon and forever inspiration. The world is better because you were born. Thank you for your walk, courage, facing the loneliness and adversity back in the day, concrete principles, enduring mirth, intersectionality, always having a room for me in your home, and trademark gentleness. What a “wow” you are. ***** ”We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons … but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters” ***** “Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.” ***** “Empathy is the most radical of human emotions.”
Likes : 17873

25. 17.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 17.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : “The beginning of real love is to allow others to be perfectly themselves.” —Thomas Merton, Trappist Monk I experienced knowings in my soul in childhood about myself. They were clear, irrefutable. Nex, I am glad you knew your truth. I am so sorry others felt entitled to dispute and interfere with your God-given autonomy. I believe you. I see you. I validate you. May your soul be at ease. 🕊️🤍
Likes : 17358

26. 16.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love being a woman, and I cherish the little girl who is still alive inside of me. On #InternationalDayofTheGirl, I get on my knees to give thanks for every girl I have ever met, who has ever allowed me to hold her hand, squeeze her close, stroke and braid her hair, climb a tree, and turn a kart-wheel. I cherish every secret that has been shared, fear divulged, wish made, and dream spoken aloud. Worldwide, girls still suffer for being girls. They do 160 million more hours of household chores than their brothers. They are given less food. They are held back from starting or attending school consistently, or drop out when they begin to menstruate. Many are sexually abused and forced into child marriage. They cannot choose if, when, and how many children to have. To girls around the world, I hope I have, and will continue, to live up to the sacred responsibility of being your friend. At a time when there is so much darkness, I look at the light in your faces when we are connected faces and am reminded of the hope for our future. @unfpa
Likes : 16485

27. 16.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love being a woman, and I cherish the little girl who is still alive inside of me. On #InternationalDayofTheGirl, I get on my knees to give thanks for every girl I have ever met, who has ever allowed me to hold her hand, squeeze her close, stroke and braid her hair, climb a tree, and turn a kart-wheel. I cherish every secret that has been shared, fear divulged, wish made, and dream spoken aloud. Worldwide, girls still suffer for being girls. They do 160 million more hours of household chores than their brothers. They are given less food. They are held back from starting or attending school consistently, or drop out when they begin to menstruate. Many are sexually abused and forced into child marriage. They cannot choose if, when, and how many children to have. To girls around the world, I hope I have, and will continue, to live up to the sacred responsibility of being your friend. At a time when there is so much darkness, I look at the light in your faces when we are connected faces and am reminded of the hope for our future. @unfpa
Likes : 16485

28. 16.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love being a woman, and I cherish the little girl who is still alive inside of me. On #InternationalDayofTheGirl, I get on my knees to give thanks for every girl I have ever met, who has ever allowed me to hold her hand, squeeze her close, stroke and braid her hair, climb a tree, and turn a kart-wheel. I cherish every secret that has been shared, fear divulged, wish made, and dream spoken aloud. Worldwide, girls still suffer for being girls. They do 160 million more hours of household chores than their brothers. They are given less food. They are held back from starting or attending school consistently, or drop out when they begin to menstruate. Many are sexually abused and forced into child marriage. They cannot choose if, when, and how many children to have. To girls around the world, I hope I have, and will continue, to live up to the sacred responsibility of being your friend. At a time when there is so much darkness, I look at the light in your faces when we are connected faces and am reminded of the hope for our future. @unfpa
Likes : 16485

29. 16.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love being a woman, and I cherish the little girl who is still alive inside of me. On #InternationalDayofTheGirl, I get on my knees to give thanks for every girl I have ever met, who has ever allowed me to hold her hand, squeeze her close, stroke and braid her hair, climb a tree, and turn a kart-wheel. I cherish every secret that has been shared, fear divulged, wish made, and dream spoken aloud. Worldwide, girls still suffer for being girls. They do 160 million more hours of household chores than their brothers. They are given less food. They are held back from starting or attending school consistently, or drop out when they begin to menstruate. Many are sexually abused and forced into child marriage. They cannot choose if, when, and how many children to have. To girls around the world, I hope I have, and will continue, to live up to the sacred responsibility of being your friend. At a time when there is so much darkness, I look at the light in your faces when we are connected faces and am reminded of the hope for our future. @unfpa
Likes : 16485

30. 16.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love being a woman, and I cherish the little girl who is still alive inside of me. On #InternationalDayofTheGirl, I get on my knees to give thanks for every girl I have ever met, who has ever allowed me to hold her hand, squeeze her close, stroke and braid her hair, climb a tree, and turn a kart-wheel. I cherish every secret that has been shared, fear divulged, wish made, and dream spoken aloud. Worldwide, girls still suffer for being girls. They do 160 million more hours of household chores than their brothers. They are given less food. They are held back from starting or attending school consistently, or drop out when they begin to menstruate. Many are sexually abused and forced into child marriage. They cannot choose if, when, and how many children to have. To girls around the world, I hope I have, and will continue, to live up to the sacred responsibility of being your friend. At a time when there is so much darkness, I look at the light in your faces when we are connected faces and am reminded of the hope for our future. @unfpa
Likes : 16485

31. 16.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 16.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love being a woman, and I cherish the little girl who is still alive inside of me. On #InternationalDayofTheGirl, I get on my knees to give thanks for every girl I have ever met, who has ever allowed me to hold her hand, squeeze her close, stroke and braid her hair, climb a tree, and turn a kart-wheel. I cherish every secret that has been shared, fear divulged, wish made, and dream spoken aloud. Worldwide, girls still suffer for being girls. They do 160 million more hours of household chores than their brothers. They are given less food. They are held back from starting or attending school consistently, or drop out when they begin to menstruate. Many are sexually abused and forced into child marriage. They cannot choose if, when, and how many children to have. To girls around the world, I hope I have, and will continue, to live up to the sacred responsibility of being your friend. At a time when there is so much darkness, I look at the light in your faces when we are connected faces and am reminded of the hope for our future. @unfpa
Likes : 16485

32. 14.1K Likes

Ashley Judd - 14.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : 2023 has been filled with moments of awe, healing and being in community with those I fiercely love. A big thank you to all of you who’ve shared your thoughts and feelings with me here along the way. Sending you peace and love this holiday season! ❤️
Likes : 14070

33. 13.9K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : The first time I was aware something was violated in me was when a man molested me when I was 7 years old. I later learned vocabulary to put to this abrogation of my rights in instruments such as @unitednationshumanrights Convention on the Rights of the Child. All over the world, I have worked with partners like @unfpa to restore and uphold folks’ individual and collective rights, and especially to hold space as they heal from the wounding from violence against their rights. On #HumanRightsDay, I recommit to my, yours, and everyone’s human rights. May we all treat each other with fundamental decency and care.
Likes : 13930

34. 13.9K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : The first time I was aware something was violated in me was when a man molested me when I was 7 years old. I later learned vocabulary to put to this abrogation of my rights in instruments such as @unitednationshumanrights Convention on the Rights of the Child. All over the world, I have worked with partners like @unfpa to restore and uphold folks’ individual and collective rights, and especially to hold space as they heal from the wounding from violence against their rights. On #HumanRightsDay, I recommit to my, yours, and everyone’s human rights. May we all treat each other with fundamental decency and care.
Likes : 13930

35. 13.9K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : The first time I was aware something was violated in me was when a man molested me when I was 7 years old. I later learned vocabulary to put to this abrogation of my rights in instruments such as @unitednationshumanrights Convention on the Rights of the Child. All over the world, I have worked with partners like @unfpa to restore and uphold folks’ individual and collective rights, and especially to hold space as they heal from the wounding from violence against their rights. On #HumanRightsDay, I recommit to my, yours, and everyone’s human rights. May we all treat each other with fundamental decency and care.
Likes : 13930

36. 13.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Great Smoky Mountains. Big hikes, sweet strolls, and in the cabin, 18 Chosen Family members trading cooking, chores, filling in a puzzle, playing chess, having a New Years Eve dance party (kiddos with the main moves), hilarious running charades, morning coffee with our readings, quiet conversations in pairs, laughter in groups, and peace all around. It works. We’ve been doing this for many years. Our secret(s) include, at our first meal, everyone shares a memory they would like to make, something they’d be disappointed if they didn’t get to do it, and any group norms they need/would like to ask for (quiet time after 10pm, before 8 am, e.g.). Everyone has full permission to do what they need to do to take care of themself at given moment: a nap, the hot tub, a break….I love these people and their love for me is one of the joys of my life.
Likes : 13814

37. 13.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Great Smoky Mountains. Big hikes, sweet strolls, and in the cabin, 18 Chosen Family members trading cooking, chores, filling in a puzzle, playing chess, having a New Years Eve dance party (kiddos with the main moves), hilarious running charades, morning coffee with our readings, quiet conversations in pairs, laughter in groups, and peace all around. It works. We’ve been doing this for many years. Our secret(s) include, at our first meal, everyone shares a memory they would like to make, something they’d be disappointed if they didn’t get to do it, and any group norms they need/would like to ask for (quiet time after 10pm, before 8 am, e.g.). Everyone has full permission to do what they need to do to take care of themself at given moment: a nap, the hot tub, a break….I love these people and their love for me is one of the joys of my life.
Likes : 13814

38. 13.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Great Smoky Mountains. Big hikes, sweet strolls, and in the cabin, 18 Chosen Family members trading cooking, chores, filling in a puzzle, playing chess, having a New Years Eve dance party (kiddos with the main moves), hilarious running charades, morning coffee with our readings, quiet conversations in pairs, laughter in groups, and peace all around. It works. We’ve been doing this for many years. Our secret(s) include, at our first meal, everyone shares a memory they would like to make, something they’d be disappointed if they didn’t get to do it, and any group norms they need/would like to ask for (quiet time after 10pm, before 8 am, e.g.). Everyone has full permission to do what they need to do to take care of themself at given moment: a nap, the hot tub, a break….I love these people and their love for me is one of the joys of my life.
Likes : 13814

39. 13.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Great Smoky Mountains. Big hikes, sweet strolls, and in the cabin, 18 Chosen Family members trading cooking, chores, filling in a puzzle, playing chess, having a New Years Eve dance party (kiddos with the main moves), hilarious running charades, morning coffee with our readings, quiet conversations in pairs, laughter in groups, and peace all around. It works. We’ve been doing this for many years. Our secret(s) include, at our first meal, everyone shares a memory they would like to make, something they’d be disappointed if they didn’t get to do it, and any group norms they need/would like to ask for (quiet time after 10pm, before 8 am, e.g.). Everyone has full permission to do what they need to do to take care of themself at given moment: a nap, the hot tub, a break….I love these people and their love for me is one of the joys of my life.
Likes : 13814

40. 13.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Great Smoky Mountains. Big hikes, sweet strolls, and in the cabin, 18 Chosen Family members trading cooking, chores, filling in a puzzle, playing chess, having a New Years Eve dance party (kiddos with the main moves), hilarious running charades, morning coffee with our readings, quiet conversations in pairs, laughter in groups, and peace all around. It works. We’ve been doing this for many years. Our secret(s) include, at our first meal, everyone shares a memory they would like to make, something they’d be disappointed if they didn’t get to do it, and any group norms they need/would like to ask for (quiet time after 10pm, before 8 am, e.g.). Everyone has full permission to do what they need to do to take care of themself at given moment: a nap, the hot tub, a break….I love these people and their love for me is one of the joys of my life.
Likes : 13814

41. 13.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Great Smoky Mountains. Big hikes, sweet strolls, and in the cabin, 18 Chosen Family members trading cooking, chores, filling in a puzzle, playing chess, having a New Years Eve dance party (kiddos with the main moves), hilarious running charades, morning coffee with our readings, quiet conversations in pairs, laughter in groups, and peace all around. It works. We’ve been doing this for many years. Our secret(s) include, at our first meal, everyone shares a memory they would like to make, something they’d be disappointed if they didn’t get to do it, and any group norms they need/would like to ask for (quiet time after 10pm, before 8 am, e.g.). Everyone has full permission to do what they need to do to take care of themself at given moment: a nap, the hot tub, a break….I love these people and their love for me is one of the joys of my life.
Likes : 13814

42. 13.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 13.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Great Smoky Mountains. Big hikes, sweet strolls, and in the cabin, 18 Chosen Family members trading cooking, chores, filling in a puzzle, playing chess, having a New Years Eve dance party (kiddos with the main moves), hilarious running charades, morning coffee with our readings, quiet conversations in pairs, laughter in groups, and peace all around. It works. We’ve been doing this for many years. Our secret(s) include, at our first meal, everyone shares a memory they would like to make, something they’d be disappointed if they didn’t get to do it, and any group norms they need/would like to ask for (quiet time after 10pm, before 8 am, e.g.). Everyone has full permission to do what they need to do to take care of themself at given moment: a nap, the hot tub, a break….I love these people and their love for me is one of the joys of my life.
Likes : 13814

43. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

44. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

45. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

46. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

47. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

48. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

49. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

50. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

51. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

52. 12.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 12.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Replete. My cup is full and runs over. The U2 show at Sphere Las Vegas astonishes, thrills, uplifts, delights, and also holds rapt with an improbably tender intimacy. You can hear Bono whisper – the sound is so pristine and clear – and even sip his water, it seems. Edge is alchemical. Adam is so funky and my insides vibrated to his bass. Larry, love and miss you, hope your recovery is coming along; Bram, you are doing great!! Congratulations to the inspired crew and team for creating a next wave masterpiece, like Willie Williams, pictured, show director, and dearest Brian, security for 30 years and my dear buddy. How else can you wake up fresh and shining in Las Vegas, unless you’ve been with Spirit the night before? God suffers with us. God rejoices in our mirth. A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. So us, let us sing and dance. @u2 @spherevegas #bono #edge #adamclayton #larrymullenjr #family #grateful
Likes : 12837

53. 11.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Fellow fans, here we go! It is time to root for our @kentuckymbb squad. I am ready to watch the last exhibition game tonight and season kick-off Monday. My memories of and relationship with the winningest program of all time runs deep and is generational. I am so grateful for the connections the Kentucky Basketball generates, and for the beautiful hospitality I have always been shown by the Program. I hear this team is Coach’s fastest, and best passing team (nifty passing thrills me — Patrick Sparks’ no look, behind-the-back, bounce pass). 1996, 1998, 2012 National Championships, I was there, and I’ll be there so my team bring home #9! Tony Delk is still one of my all time favorites — 7/8 on 3s, and he caused the player he defended to foul out (1996, Meadowlands). But really, I love them all, because they are Wildcats. “Jump ball, jump ball, git it, git it!” (Anyone remember that old ditty?) LET’S GO ‘CATS! PS Mom said when I was at game, she could pick my voice out of the crowed, hollering!
Likes : 11581

54. 11.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Fellow fans, here we go! It is time to root for our @kentuckymbb squad. I am ready to watch the last exhibition game tonight and season kick-off Monday. My memories of and relationship with the winningest program of all time runs deep and is generational. I am so grateful for the connections the Kentucky Basketball generates, and for the beautiful hospitality I have always been shown by the Program. I hear this team is Coach’s fastest, and best passing team (nifty passing thrills me — Patrick Sparks’ no look, behind-the-back, bounce pass). 1996, 1998, 2012 National Championships, I was there, and I’ll be there so my team bring home #9! Tony Delk is still one of my all time favorites — 7/8 on 3s, and he caused the player he defended to foul out (1996, Meadowlands). But really, I love them all, because they are Wildcats. “Jump ball, jump ball, git it, git it!” (Anyone remember that old ditty?) LET’S GO ‘CATS! PS Mom said when I was at game, she could pick my voice out of the crowed, hollering!
Likes : 11581

55. 11.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Fellow fans, here we go! It is time to root for our @kentuckymbb squad. I am ready to watch the last exhibition game tonight and season kick-off Monday. My memories of and relationship with the winningest program of all time runs deep and is generational. I am so grateful for the connections the Kentucky Basketball generates, and for the beautiful hospitality I have always been shown by the Program. I hear this team is Coach’s fastest, and best passing team (nifty passing thrills me — Patrick Sparks’ no look, behind-the-back, bounce pass). 1996, 1998, 2012 National Championships, I was there, and I’ll be there so my team bring home #9! Tony Delk is still one of my all time favorites — 7/8 on 3s, and he caused the player he defended to foul out (1996, Meadowlands). But really, I love them all, because they are Wildcats. “Jump ball, jump ball, git it, git it!” (Anyone remember that old ditty?) LET’S GO ‘CATS! PS Mom said when I was at game, she could pick my voice out of the crowed, hollering!
Likes : 11581

56. 11.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Fellow fans, here we go! It is time to root for our @kentuckymbb squad. I am ready to watch the last exhibition game tonight and season kick-off Monday. My memories of and relationship with the winningest program of all time runs deep and is generational. I am so grateful for the connections the Kentucky Basketball generates, and for the beautiful hospitality I have always been shown by the Program. I hear this team is Coach’s fastest, and best passing team (nifty passing thrills me — Patrick Sparks’ no look, behind-the-back, bounce pass). 1996, 1998, 2012 National Championships, I was there, and I’ll be there so my team bring home #9! Tony Delk is still one of my all time favorites — 7/8 on 3s, and he caused the player he defended to foul out (1996, Meadowlands). But really, I love them all, because they are Wildcats. “Jump ball, jump ball, git it, git it!” (Anyone remember that old ditty?) LET’S GO ‘CATS! PS Mom said when I was at game, she could pick my voice out of the crowed, hollering!
Likes : 11581

57. 11.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Fellow fans, here we go! It is time to root for our @kentuckymbb squad. I am ready to watch the last exhibition game tonight and season kick-off Monday. My memories of and relationship with the winningest program of all time runs deep and is generational. I am so grateful for the connections the Kentucky Basketball generates, and for the beautiful hospitality I have always been shown by the Program. I hear this team is Coach’s fastest, and best passing team (nifty passing thrills me — Patrick Sparks’ no look, behind-the-back, bounce pass). 1996, 1998, 2012 National Championships, I was there, and I’ll be there so my team bring home #9! Tony Delk is still one of my all time favorites — 7/8 on 3s, and he caused the player he defended to foul out (1996, Meadowlands). But really, I love them all, because they are Wildcats. “Jump ball, jump ball, git it, git it!” (Anyone remember that old ditty?) LET’S GO ‘CATS! PS Mom said when I was at game, she could pick my voice out of the crowed, hollering!
Likes : 11581

58. 11.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Fellow fans, here we go! It is time to root for our @kentuckymbb squad. I am ready to watch the last exhibition game tonight and season kick-off Monday. My memories of and relationship with the winningest program of all time runs deep and is generational. I am so grateful for the connections the Kentucky Basketball generates, and for the beautiful hospitality I have always been shown by the Program. I hear this team is Coach’s fastest, and best passing team (nifty passing thrills me — Patrick Sparks’ no look, behind-the-back, bounce pass). 1996, 1998, 2012 National Championships, I was there, and I’ll be there so my team bring home #9! Tony Delk is still one of my all time favorites — 7/8 on 3s, and he caused the player he defended to foul out (1996, Meadowlands). But really, I love them all, because they are Wildcats. “Jump ball, jump ball, git it, git it!” (Anyone remember that old ditty?) LET’S GO ‘CATS! PS Mom said when I was at game, she could pick my voice out of the crowed, hollering!
Likes : 11581

59. 11.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 11.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Fellow fans, here we go! It is time to root for our @kentuckymbb squad. I am ready to watch the last exhibition game tonight and season kick-off Monday. My memories of and relationship with the winningest program of all time runs deep and is generational. I am so grateful for the connections the Kentucky Basketball generates, and for the beautiful hospitality I have always been shown by the Program. I hear this team is Coach’s fastest, and best passing team (nifty passing thrills me — Patrick Sparks’ no look, behind-the-back, bounce pass). 1996, 1998, 2012 National Championships, I was there, and I’ll be there so my team bring home #9! Tony Delk is still one of my all time favorites — 7/8 on 3s, and he caused the player he defended to foul out (1996, Meadowlands). But really, I love them all, because they are Wildcats. “Jump ball, jump ball, git it, git it!” (Anyone remember that old ditty?) LET’S GO ‘CATS! PS Mom said when I was at game, she could pick my voice out of the crowed, hollering!
Likes : 11581

60. 11.5K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Bonobos!! Our closest living relatives. In fact, when a bonobo sees me, she sees a closer cousin than if she saw a gorilla! Endangered. And when different parties meet in the rainforest, they love it. They cooperate, share fruit (a valuable resource), groom each other (bonding!), and play games like hide and seek. (Um, chimpanzees are aggressive, especially towards females, hurt and kill each other.) Bonobos are one of a kind and so much fun, amongst other things. This tiny, remote research camp did something super hard and welcomed an intrepid documentary crew to capture simply never before accessible images of these remarkable apes. Discover bonobos and why I am committed to living in the second lung of the planet part of the year with them! Check out @natgeotv’s Queens, a limited series narrated by the amazing @im.angelabassett. 👑 Now streaming on @DisneyPlus and @Hulu.
Likes : 11458

61. 10.9K Likes

Ashley Judd - 10.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Joy. Family history. Story. Music. Social justice. Faith. U2 loved and listened to The Judds during their iconic Joshua Tree days. My family first met them during their Dublin show in 1986 and when I was in France as a 19 year old, I looked at the liner notes on the album sleeve and cold called their management to see if I could attend the Joshua Tree stadium show in Paris. In my second-hand polka dotted skirt and Dock Martins, I was astonished to have a ticket and backstage pass. I stood side stage, 4 feet from Bono at the microphone where their spouses hugged and took me in. 37 years later, it is a friendship that has deeply shaped my public and personal life. Bono and Bobby Shriver called me in 2002 and demanded I involve myself in the HIV/AIDS emergency. I threw myself into what is now my global humanitarian advocacy, 23 countries later. The courage of the Christian tradition of my childhood has welled up consistently, as these are friendships bonded by shared faith. Oh yeah. There is little music there, too, that has transported me! This month, Pop — who sang over 200 concerts with Elvis — and I attended @thesphere and Bono sang for him. This past weekend, Sister and I cried and danced. We made memories and reminisced. I am so grateful and my cup is full. Crew meal. Quiet time with folks who’ve been with the band since they were punks teens. Sharing the ecstatic music with 18,000 souls. Unforgettable!
Likes : 10893

62. 10.3K Likes

Ashley Judd - 10.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Today is #VoteEarlyDay! There are critical local and state elections happening across the country, and Nov 7th is your last day to vote. Express your values, principles, and ideals, for your family and neighbors. & let your voice be heard! Check your voter registration and go to to make a plan to vote, and see how easy voting early can be!
Likes : 10300

63. 10.3K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Love is so rich we need it to survive. Science now proves we can die of a literal broken heart. I have expierneced various forms of love, my deeply loyal love for my sibling, cosmic, chest heaving love from my mother, the cheering sweetness of love of childhood friends, the intricate, sustaining, fascinating love of my romantic partner, ineffable love for my animals, awesome love of nature, and also AGAPE, these spontaneous vistations of profound love from total strangers. I wanted to share just one example of this with you today. Have you ever felt AGAPE? What was it like for you? Share with me in the comments below. ❤️
Likes : 10286

64. 9.9K Likes

Ashley Judd - 9.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : While #WomensHistoryMonth may be over, it’s important we recognize the powerful stories and contributions of women each and every day, especially women of color and indigenous women. Why does this matter? Let me tell you the story of just a few women who have made an impact on me but who’s stories are not as recognized. My 10x great grandmother, Mary Bruester — a religious refugee and spiritual leader in her community. While a lot is known about my grandfather, Mary’s name is never even mentioned precisely because she was a woman. Pearl Moore, a Black woman who is the all-time leading scorer in women’s basketball. Pearl notched over 4,000 points during her collegiate career, a mark that still stands five decades later. With the historic point-scorers and wins from the recent NCAA women’s basketball, we can’t tell this story without talking about Pearl Moore. Women are powerful and we’ve made mighty accomplishments to our society. We are all responsible for shining a light on each other. What powerful women have inspired you? Share their story with me in the comments.
Likes : 9862

65. 9.6K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Reproductive health and #childcare are not just women’s issues; they are human rights issues. It’s not something for women to just “figure out”. The more we all band together to solve these problems, the better…for women, for men, for families—for generations to come. @ashley_judd joined us in the #EqualityLounge @ #SXSW to stress that it’s time for men to join us and use their voices to reinforce the urgency behind women’s health reform and childcare reform. #reproductivehealth #reproductiverights
Likes : 9561

66. 9.1K Likes

Ashley Judd - 9.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : There is a lot going on in the world. As I reflect on the multiple instances of institutional betrayal with which so many of us are grappling, I wanted to share some of my thoughts, in no particular order: There are 3 Pillars of Protest: Protect Free Speech. Adhere to Principles of Civil Disobedience. Institutional Neutrality. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. described the principle perfectly: “When one breaks the law that conscience tells him is unjust, he must do it openly, he must do it cheerfully, he must do it lovingly, he must do it civilly — not uncivilly — and he must do it with a willingness to accept the penalty.”Destruction of property and violence do not aid any oppressed peoples. And doing so gives material to those who think poorly of protestors to scorn them further. I was a campus protestor. I helped organize a campus-wide walk-out of classes in protest when the Governor of KY refused to remove a member of the Board of Trustees who called black South Africans the N-word when they were discussing divesting from racist minority rule Apartheid. I helped organize the protest on the steps of the state capital. Protest is righteous and necessary. It must also follow constructive norms. Samantha Power — whom I hold in very high regard — is the Director of @usaid, and has had the moral courage to do the right thing and simply speak the truth: there is a full-blown famine in Gaza. She is not waiting for the bureaucracy to “approve” this language to declare it. (“Forced starvation:” thank you for this in the comments. The important documentary, “Screams Before Silence,” details, excruciatingly, horrific male sexual violence by Hamas against Israelis on October 7. First-person accounts, survivors of the sexual violence, and bloody undergarments, it is so difficult to watch and it demonstrates yet again in yet another setting how especially girl’s and women’s bodies are degraded and dehumanized by men in war. Today, we remember the unforgettable: The Holocaust. We breath for those whose breath was taken. Six million Jewish souls left their bodies, and millions of others were scarred and generations, up to those who are young today, were impacted.
Likes : 9079

67. 9.1K Likes

Ashley Judd - 9.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : There is a lot going on in the world. As I reflect on the multiple instances of institutional betrayal with which so many of us are grappling, I wanted to share some of my thoughts, in no particular order: There are 3 Pillars of Protest: Protect Free Speech. Adhere to Principles of Civil Disobedience. Institutional Neutrality. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. described the principle perfectly: “When one breaks the law that conscience tells him is unjust, he must do it openly, he must do it cheerfully, he must do it lovingly, he must do it civilly — not uncivilly — and he must do it with a willingness to accept the penalty.”Destruction of property and violence do not aid any oppressed peoples. And doing so gives material to those who think poorly of protestors to scorn them further. I was a campus protestor. I helped organize a campus-wide walk-out of classes in protest when the Governor of KY refused to remove a member of the Board of Trustees who called black South Africans the N-word when they were discussing divesting from racist minority rule Apartheid. I helped organize the protest on the steps of the state capital. Protest is righteous and necessary. It must also follow constructive norms. Samantha Power — whom I hold in very high regard — is the Director of @usaid, and has had the moral courage to do the right thing and simply speak the truth: there is a full-blown famine in Gaza. She is not waiting for the bureaucracy to “approve” this language to declare it. (“Forced starvation:” thank you for this in the comments. The important documentary, “Screams Before Silence,” details, excruciatingly, horrific male sexual violence by Hamas against Israelis on October 7. First-person accounts, survivors of the sexual violence, and bloody undergarments, it is so difficult to watch and it demonstrates yet again in yet another setting how especially girl’s and women’s bodies are degraded and dehumanized by men in war. Today, we remember the unforgettable: The Holocaust. We breath for those whose breath was taken. Six million Jewish souls left their bodies, and millions of others were scarred and generations, up to those who are young today, were impacted.
Likes : 9079

68. 8.7K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : C A T S CATS CATS CATS! 💙💙. **Congrats Oakland and especially Jack Gohkle. Stuff dreams are made of. Still love my ‘Cats. **.
Likes : 8721

69. 8.6K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Hi friends! I am deep into writing my second book and the process is a rich. Thank you so much for your encouragement. My first book was based on diaries from 13 counties, starting wtih sitting in child brothels in Cambodia and Thailand, and on to refugee camps and HIV/AIDS orphanages, uplifted grassroots movements supporting the vulnerable and resilient, & of course how I was brought into recovery after a tough childhood. This book includes my extensive time in Congo, my beautiful mother, and more! I am eager to have something for you to read!
Likes : 8643

70. 8.6K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : A fine weekend outside, with gratitude for our state parks. Much appreciation for our volunteers and paid workers! Nature is a cathedral for me…..anyone else have spiritual experiences in The Great Outdoors? #nature #stateparks #getoutside
Likes : 8558

71. 8.6K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : A fine weekend outside, with gratitude for our state parks. Much appreciation for our volunteers and paid workers! Nature is a cathedral for me…..anyone else have spiritual experiences in The Great Outdoors? #nature #stateparks #getoutside
Likes : 8558

72. 8.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : A fine weekend outside, with gratitude for our state parks. Much appreciation for our volunteers and paid workers! Nature is a cathedral for me…..anyone else have spiritual experiences in The Great Outdoors? #nature #stateparks #getoutside
Likes : 8558

73. 8.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I lament the the lives destroyed. So many folks killed, wounded and bereaved by the senseless violence in Gaza and Israel. Hospitals bombed, families terrorized, lives decimated by our stubborn clinging to our false belief hat we are separate and different. I particularly fear for the 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza who need to give birth safely and cannot. Hospitals are being bombed, and those that are still functioning are teetering on the brink of collapse, starved of the electricity, water and vital supplies they need to serve their people. I care equally for and with profound concern about women of reproductive age in Israel and urgently hope their needs are met for safe birth. In the hellscape of #Gaza, I’m so relieved that @UNFPA are doing what they can to help. But their staff are also suffering and can’t fulfill their duty until humanitarian aid is allowed through and civilians are spared the rockets and bombs. Over 6 years on more than 10 missions as Goodwill Ambassador, UNFPA shows up for women and girls when their worlds have collapsed on them: when war, natural disaster, violence from men or extreme poverty has pushed them to the brink of their very existence. I am relieved that for women of Gaza, UNFPA is there this minute, doing what they can in the face of calamity to protect, serve and empower them. No woman should die giving life. Babies should not be orphaned by war. #notatarget
Likes : 8499

74. 8.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I lament the the lives destroyed. So many folks killed, wounded and bereaved by the senseless violence in Gaza and Israel. Hospitals bombed, families terrorized, lives decimated by our stubborn clinging to our false belief hat we are separate and different. I particularly fear for the 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza who need to give birth safely and cannot. Hospitals are being bombed, and those that are still functioning are teetering on the brink of collapse, starved of the electricity, water and vital supplies they need to serve their people. I care equally for and with profound concern about women of reproductive age in Israel and urgently hope their needs are met for safe birth. In the hellscape of #Gaza, I’m so relieved that @UNFPA are doing what they can to help. But their staff are also suffering and can’t fulfill their duty until humanitarian aid is allowed through and civilians are spared the rockets and bombs. Over 6 years on more than 10 missions as Goodwill Ambassador, UNFPA shows up for women and girls when their worlds have collapsed on them: when war, natural disaster, violence from men or extreme poverty has pushed them to the brink of their very existence. I am relieved that for women of Gaza, UNFPA is there this minute, doing what they can in the face of calamity to protect, serve and empower them. No woman should die giving life. Babies should not be orphaned by war. #notatarget
Likes : 8499

75. 8.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I lament the the lives destroyed. So many folks killed, wounded and bereaved by the senseless violence in Gaza and Israel. Hospitals bombed, families terrorized, lives decimated by our stubborn clinging to our false belief hat we are separate and different. I particularly fear for the 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza who need to give birth safely and cannot. Hospitals are being bombed, and those that are still functioning are teetering on the brink of collapse, starved of the electricity, water and vital supplies they need to serve their people. I care equally for and with profound concern about women of reproductive age in Israel and urgently hope their needs are met for safe birth. In the hellscape of #Gaza, I’m so relieved that @UNFPA are doing what they can to help. But their staff are also suffering and can’t fulfill their duty until humanitarian aid is allowed through and civilians are spared the rockets and bombs. Over 6 years on more than 10 missions as Goodwill Ambassador, UNFPA shows up for women and girls when their worlds have collapsed on them: when war, natural disaster, violence from men or extreme poverty has pushed them to the brink of their very existence. I am relieved that for women of Gaza, UNFPA is there this minute, doing what they can in the face of calamity to protect, serve and empower them. No woman should die giving life. Babies should not be orphaned by war. #notatarget
Likes : 8499

76. 8.5K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I lament the the lives destroyed. So many folks killed, wounded and bereaved by the senseless violence in Gaza and Israel. Hospitals bombed, families terrorized, lives decimated by our stubborn clinging to our false belief hat we are separate and different. I particularly fear for the 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza who need to give birth safely and cannot. Hospitals are being bombed, and those that are still functioning are teetering on the brink of collapse, starved of the electricity, water and vital supplies they need to serve their people. I care equally for and with profound concern about women of reproductive age in Israel and urgently hope their needs are met for safe birth. In the hellscape of #Gaza, I’m so relieved that @UNFPA are doing what they can to help. But their staff are also suffering and can’t fulfill their duty until humanitarian aid is allowed through and civilians are spared the rockets and bombs. Over 6 years on more than 10 missions as Goodwill Ambassador, UNFPA shows up for women and girls when their worlds have collapsed on them: when war, natural disaster, violence from men or extreme poverty has pushed them to the brink of their very existence. I am relieved that for women of Gaza, UNFPA is there this minute, doing what they can in the face of calamity to protect, serve and empower them. No woman should die giving life. Babies should not be orphaned by war. #notatarget
Likes : 8499

77. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

78. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

79. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

80. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

81. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

82. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

83. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

84. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

85. 8.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 8.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Last month, I had a mighty big week of advocacy in our nation’s Capital. First, I spoke on a panel with some of my chosen sisters about the matriarchal, egalitarian world of bonobos (@bonobosisterhood) – free from male sexual violence and coercion, might I add. Next, I met with Senators about the suicide epidemic, and I shared more about #NaomisLaw and the urgent need for privacy for all families who have had a loved one die by suicide. Thank you to @senblumenthal and @marshablackburn for receiving me. Last, I spoke at the “Foreign Policy” summit about the relationship between women, peace, and security. It was an honor and great deal of fun to speak with leaders and advocates from around the country. There remains much work to be done to progress on women’s equality and privacy rights, and I still left feeling encouraged about the power each of us has. The week recommitted my vigor in reaching out to those with whom I have seemingly intractable differences in order to make life more fair and safe.
Likes : 8389

86. 8.4K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Being in community and in service to others is incredibly fulfilling and important to me. There are lots of ways each of us can get involved in making our communities worlds a better place, here are the groups that help me: @unfpa, @catwintl, @afspnational, @culturereframed and @cacradicalgrace
Likes : 8363

87. 7.9K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I love coming here to connect with all of you. Your comments, thoughts, recommendations and words of love refresh me. With my Kentucky Wildcats losing at the beginning of the month, I had to keep myself distracted from the tournament and my own disappointment. Now, we have Coach MARK POPE to celebrate! To summarize Matt Jones and Jack Givens, we didn’t have to back a Brinks truck up to someone’s house to buy a coach. We have one of our own who is Kentucky. to the narrow of his bones! Wahoo! Until this announcement, I filled my time with great books, podcasts and attended SXSW for enriching events. I hope to share more of these quick recommendations and thoughts on what I’m up to more often. What books and podcasts have you enlivened into lately? Share with me in the comments.
Likes : 7858

88. 7.7K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : The. Greatest. Band. In. The. World. Here as their guests for 2 days. They took my in as a 19 year old in Paris on #joshuatree while I was there studying. One of the gifts is my life. We share faith. JOY unrestrained. More pictures coming & less wiggly live tonight. @u2 @sphere Vegas
Likes : 7683

89. 7.5K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I am so grateful for the gift of laughter. ✨Charades, especially running charades, tickles me through and through. I lose myself entirely to the hilarity. I was taught running charades by a cohort that was deadly serious about it in the 1990’s: Vince Vaughn, Tom Morello, and Samantha McMillen. I had no idea what it was, did not particularly want to attend this game night, and then discovered myself leaving the party at 3 am, hair tousled and sporting more than one bruise from throwing my body into it. I am so grateful for all the memories across the years on film sets, with chosen family, Mom, who never played by the rules and was so fun nonetheless, pop up running charades in unlikely places, and the freedom to be so silly. What are some of your favorite games that you play over the holidays?
Likes : 7488

90. 7.5K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : We must all take self-healing actions and then step out into the world to support peace, justice, tolerance, and the end of all harm with fierce love.
Likes : 7483

91. 7.5K Likes

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Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : We must all take self-healing actions and then step out into the world to support peace, justice, tolerance, and the end of all harm with fierce love.
Likes : 7483

92. 7.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 7.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : So pleasant and fun to be a guest @fenwaypark to cheer on the @redsox on a sublime late summer’s eve. There were many hits, a total of 12 runs, and lots of great fielding action as we took in @mlb new rules. I like them! You? So, the @yankees won that one, but remember the Red Sox shut them out earlier in the day, 5-0! Deep sweetness to my Papaws and Uncle Mark for the love of the game and the special memories of evenings drinking @pepsi while taking in @reds (the era of Big Red Machine) on the radio while reviewing yesterday’s box score in the paper. And yes, I thought a pitcher’s era was the same thing as the Equal Rights Amendment. I’ve always been me!! #baseball. PS How about the 10 year old singing the #NationalAnthem? #redsox #mlb #yankees #pepsi #equalrightsamendment
Likes : 7366

93. 7.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 7.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : So pleasant and fun to be a guest @fenwaypark to cheer on the @redsox on a sublime late summer’s eve. There were many hits, a total of 12 runs, and lots of great fielding action as we took in @mlb new rules. I like them! You? So, the @yankees won that one, but remember the Red Sox shut them out earlier in the day, 5-0! Deep sweetness to my Papaws and Uncle Mark for the love of the game and the special memories of evenings drinking @pepsi while taking in @reds (the era of Big Red Machine) on the radio while reviewing yesterday’s box score in the paper. And yes, I thought a pitcher’s era was the same thing as the Equal Rights Amendment. I’ve always been me!! #baseball. PS How about the 10 year old singing the #NationalAnthem? #redsox #mlb #yankees #pepsi #equalrightsamendment
Likes : 7366

94. 7.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 7.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : So pleasant and fun to be a guest @fenwaypark to cheer on the @redsox on a sublime late summer’s eve. There were many hits, a total of 12 runs, and lots of great fielding action as we took in @mlb new rules. I like them! You? So, the @yankees won that one, but remember the Red Sox shut them out earlier in the day, 5-0! Deep sweetness to my Papaws and Uncle Mark for the love of the game and the special memories of evenings drinking @pepsi while taking in @reds (the era of Big Red Machine) on the radio while reviewing yesterday’s box score in the paper. And yes, I thought a pitcher’s era was the same thing as the Equal Rights Amendment. I’ve always been me!! #baseball. PS How about the 10 year old singing the #NationalAnthem? #redsox #mlb #yankees #pepsi #equalrightsamendment
Likes : 7366

95. 7.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 7.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : So pleasant and fun to be a guest @fenwaypark to cheer on the @redsox on a sublime late summer’s eve. There were many hits, a total of 12 runs, and lots of great fielding action as we took in @mlb new rules. I like them! You? So, the @yankees won that one, but remember the Red Sox shut them out earlier in the day, 5-0! Deep sweetness to my Papaws and Uncle Mark for the love of the game and the special memories of evenings drinking @pepsi while taking in @reds (the era of Big Red Machine) on the radio while reviewing yesterday’s box score in the paper. And yes, I thought a pitcher’s era was the same thing as the Equal Rights Amendment. I’ve always been me!! #baseball. PS How about the 10 year old singing the #NationalAnthem? #redsox #mlb #yankees #pepsi #equalrightsamendment
Likes : 7366

96. 7.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 7.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : So pleasant and fun to be a guest @fenwaypark to cheer on the @redsox on a sublime late summer’s eve. There were many hits, a total of 12 runs, and lots of great fielding action as we took in @mlb new rules. I like them! You? So, the @yankees won that one, but remember the Red Sox shut them out earlier in the day, 5-0! Deep sweetness to my Papaws and Uncle Mark for the love of the game and the special memories of evenings drinking @pepsi while taking in @reds (the era of Big Red Machine) on the radio while reviewing yesterday’s box score in the paper. And yes, I thought a pitcher’s era was the same thing as the Equal Rights Amendment. I’ve always been me!! #baseball. PS How about the 10 year old singing the #NationalAnthem? #redsox #mlb #yankees #pepsi #equalrightsamendment
Likes : 7366

97. 7K Likes

Ashley Judd - 7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : @ashley_judd opens up about her recovery and healing journey and defines her life’s purpose as “being here to heal.” ❤️ 🎧 Tune in to our latest episode with @ashley_judd and Catherine Chen, CEO of @polarisproject, an organization at the forefront of the fight against sex and labor trafficking in the United States. Out now wherever you listen to #podcasts, and link in bio to watch on our YouTube channel. 📺 #manenough
Likes : 6969

98. 6.8K Likes

Ashley Judd - 6.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Grandpa. Sister. @wynonnajudd
Likes : 6751

99. 6.6K Likes

Ashley Judd - 6.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : I am grateful to those of you who care deeply about human trafficking. I have visited with trapped folks all over the world, including in garment factories, carpet makers, folks making our cheap roller bag suitcases, three generations of women picking through trash heaps for anything resellable, and children sorting car tires. And, of course, women and children especially, who are being used for sex. And LGBTIA and folks of color are deeply affected. Traffickers can use human beings over and over, unlike single use commodities such as drugs and guns. Yet, it is demand that drives all of it: demand for the labor, and cheap goods, and demand for the sex and bodies. We must all look at our part. Go to for more information and ways to get involved. #humantraffickingawareness
Likes : 6589

100. 6.4K Likes

Ashley Judd - 6.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Ashley Judd Instagram
Caption : Remembering the #MetGala with this throwback from 1997 with fellow ‘90’s icon Gwyneth Paltrow. Looking forward to seeing what @samanthamcmillen_stylist does with Elle Fanning and Brie Larson tonight! Dress by @Valentino Hair @mitchbarry Makeup @moyramulholland
Likes : 6445