Russell Simmons Top 100 Instagram Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Russell Simmons with over 28.4K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Russell Simmons
We have around 101 most liked posts and photos of Russell Simmons with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 28.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 23K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 6.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 4.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 4.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 4.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 4.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 4.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 4.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 3.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 3.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 3.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 3.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
Russell Simmons Thumbnail - 2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos
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1. 28.4K Likes

Russell Simmons - 28.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : another trip around the sun ❤️ on to 2024 its not my bday just another year from ALL OF US but thank you for well wishes
Likes : 28363

2. 23.3K Likes

Russell Simmons - 23.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : dis nigga 😂 @affioncrockett
Likes : 23312

3. 23K Likes

Russell Simmons - 23K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : God is testing you a little bit, it’s ok, be strong. . . they are called growing pains . . . as you know, we grow through adversity and struggle . . . you read my books and heard me preach your whole childhood . . . reach back to old lessons and remember to remember “smile and breathe” ❤️ “smile and breathe” . . . you are the watchers of this world . . . so let go . . . be at ease . . . God is driving and he is working on you ❤️ DEEPLY sorry for being frustrated and yelling . . . but know this . . . there are no conditions . . . for sure i love you guys more than i love myself
Likes : 23047

4. 22.8K Likes

Russell Simmons - 22.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : ❤️Morning flow with a bunch of really happy Bali friends the generosity of spirit exuded by my friend @usher was amazing Fyi people were / are always so happy to be in his presence …so when i / they practice with him its a honor and privilege but the presence and attention he gives to each person is a gift its tough to be present with so many of us ” fans” each one of us demanding presence and focus its rare that a person can give so much w/ out it draining his energy … His quote when asked about the energy needed to accommodate so many was God ” Its not me giving its God through me so it easy ” ❤️ this is pure yoga
Likes : 22837

5. 21.1K Likes

Russell Simmons - 21.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : This is one of my favorite people/comedians i admire him because he is genuine.. hollywood has not changed him at all He has a beautiful spirit -heart that shines through ….all of us have demons, for sure all good comedians have demons let me just make this prayer for his happiness im always praying for his happiness @therealmikeepps ❤️
Likes : 21098

6. 20.8K Likes

Russell Simmons - 20.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : this is out of control i have been saying over and over its not my bday but this is ridiculously funny 😂 affion you fucker i dont sound like that 😂 do i?
Likes : 20792

7. 20.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 20.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : When i was at the lowest point in my life i had an operation when i woke up this man was sitting by my bed .. i had known usher since he was a kid but we really bonded because of our mutual love for self discovery and our belief in Yogic science as a direct route to realizing Gods conciousness in ourselves …People remember to remember this ..a friend walks in when others walk out … i will never forget the generosity of spirit i witnessed in this man God bless you baby bro @usher 🙏🏾 love you !!!!
Likes : 20621

8. 15.3K Likes

Russell Simmons - 15.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Most people say u have time to play when you graduate early…in your case harvard @ 20 wow …congratulations my darling My prayer aokileesimmons has a lifetime to play she has already “accomplished” enough so darling let go of the fierce need to compete focus all your energy on self discovery consciousness and happiness The dharma or purpose that u choose in life will naturally multiply and the world will benefit .::/your “worldly” assets and successes (which will continue to multiply) will be your gifts back to the needy world.// you are destined for a happy life defined by your enlightened perspective of non attachment and self awareness ./This is my prayer ./for you to fully realize the self or Gods consciousness in this lifetime ❤️
Likes : 15335

9. 14K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : When Times are tough smile and breathe keep your head up yogis Gods got you again like he had u last time ❤️
Likes : 13952

10. 13.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 13.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : im praying for peace im praying for freedom and im praying for coexistence of the Palestinian and the Jewish people whether u agree with the Governments or leadership of either people or not should not be part of your thoughts at this time should love the beautiful innocent people who are dying ..There is always a better way then killing innocent people🩷 this post is not about failed leadership Hamas is horrific they are using innocent Palestinian people as shields , Nutinyahoo is abusive insensitive and wrongheaded this post is about beautiful innocent Jewish and Palestinian people …..and my prayers for peace❤️
Likes : 13590

11. 11.1K Likes

Russell Simmons - 11.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : i have no idea what im getting myself into its like being a co star in a-movie u never read😎 but i trust that i will look silly and have a terrible hisssssy S @affioncrockett is one of the best /standout def comedy jam stars i have always rooted for /prayed for affions major break out role ./ i would be honored and it would be a blessing for his explosion to come from clowning me 😂
Likes : 11063

12. 10.8K Likes

Russell Simmons - 10.8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : During my youth and adolescence i was infatuated with a beautiful young girl “puppet” or Pauline Mims She was the girl who i dreamed of admired and gave all my love to.. for years. During college she and i became romantically involved we spent years helping each other come to young adulthood she and i did everything together.. we ..she collected the money at all of my hip hop parties she was by far my most trusted friend :: eventually we moved in together ….you could say she was my first wife and my best friend as first loves sometimes do we grew apart but we never stopped loving each other im deeply saddened to hear the news of her passing away …travel safe Puppet im sure God will receive you with the The grace and love that you exuded for a lifetime ❤️
Likes : 10801

13. 10.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 10.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : #throwback
Likes : 10591

14. 9.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 9.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : at 66 my friends are dying at an alarming rate all are dying way too young and the no 1 reason is diet consider changing your diet it will raise your quality of life while adding years to it love you ❤️ fyi @grahambensinger caught me @gdasbali eating gluten free pancakes 🙏🏾
Likes : 9608

15. 9K Likes

Russell Simmons - 9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : look back at last time the queen was here ❤️ love her /love them both so much and im proud beyond all limits look what God did @aokileesimmons @mingleesimmons ##lucky #blessed #girldad
Likes : 8971

16. 8.7K Likes

Russell Simmons - 8.7K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : about last night @diskoafrikaofficial EVERY guest that visits and there have been many that come to bali and enjoy @diskoafrikaofficial but i think the queen @thereallraye1 tore the shit down my long time friend @janeyvi and her lil zen monster jumped in the shot 😂 BUT no doubt @thereallraye1 stole the show ❤️ #blackgirlmagic #dancingmachine ps im still waiting for @willpowerpacker @50cent or @tylerperry or or or someone to give her the super breakout role she deserves ❤️
Likes : 8677

17. 8.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 8.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : life is like a movie always changing , evolving full of twists and turns be excited about your next chapter GOD has big plans for you ❤️
Likes : 8587

18. 8.3K Likes

Russell Simmons - 8.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : @65 or at any age dancing is a major source of joy keep your head up people… life be lifen sometimes it hurts …remember to remember./dance and be happy ❤️ smile and breathe through it all thank you @high_vibrational_collective for filming me i never knew how silly i looked 😂
Likes : 8341

19. 8K Likes

Russell Simmons - 8K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Blessed to be visited by one of our favorite people my long time friend the talented and lovely queen @thereallraye1 Here are 2 images one from morning meditation and one from afternoon cryo …what a pleasure 🌺🌺🌺 Lets give her the flowers she deserves 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🧘
Likes : 7953

20. 7.9K Likes

Russell Simmons - 7.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : ice therapy after hot yoga is life changing and health affirming i recommend it if u dont have a fancy cryotherapy chamber do ice bath…. PRIORITIZE YOUR HEALTH ❤️ I generally never respond to negativity but please people respect the ladies @janeyvi is my dear friend who is an amazing mother …because or her yoga and meditation she looks young… but shes happy to be pushing 40 ######## as for me im single and celibate❤️ for almost a year ❤️ ps im pushing 70❤️ lastly for my last chapter on this earth … God has put it on my heart to follow up on my 4 books about health by sharing as many ways to promote mental spiritual and physical health as i can ❤️ ##superrich new book coming
Likes : 7906

21. 7.9K Likes

Russell Simmons - 7.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Happy 90th bday to this beautiful man who i call my second father Minister Farakahn is a deep lover of humanity and a beautiful guiding light and inspiration for black men and woman everywhere Thank you brother minister for your intervention in my life as a young man and thank you for all the knowledge and wisdom that you bestowed on me over the span of my entire life …the years have come and gone but the blessing that you are to so many remains permanent in their hearts and minds and …. the ripple effect of your love is also obvious in the fabrics of the families that they raise ❤️ The entire black community and all who really know you./ love you dearly♥️♥️♥️
Likes : 7897

22. 7.2K Likes

Russell Simmons - 7.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 7180

23. 7.1K Likes

Russell Simmons - 7.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : im probably only posting this cause i personally didn’t get a brick 😂but dis nigga is funnier (to me) then anybody cept maybe @davechappelle but all of the greats have their moments i got to watch atleast 50 amazing careers explode// most became famous within the weekend that they premiered on that show what an amazing rollercoaster ❤️
Likes : 7109

24. 6.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 6.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : no different from eating a pig lol
Likes : 6568

25. 6.5K Likes

Russell Simmons - 6.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : God woke me up again prayers work 😂 today i pray for the freedom and happiness of all beings and that my thoughts words and actions contribute to the health happiness and freedom for all beings ps public service announcement 🌹… a kind reminder The “china study” the most comprehensive health study ever done claims that the number one cause of cancer and almost all disease and in fact, all premature death is eating animal products please don’t eat God’s creatures it’s not healthy for your spirit or your body. Love you.❤️
Likes : 6471

26. 6.4K Likes

Russell Simmons - 6.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 6449

27. 6.4K Likes

Russell Simmons - 6.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : this was a vibe have u seen def jam 25 on netflix ❤️
Likes : 6421

28. 6.3K Likes

Russell Simmons - 6.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : my dad was a bad muther shut your mouth and my step momma shirley was the most loving beautiful soul as well ❤️
Likes : 6309

29. 5.9K Likes

Russell Simmons - 5.9K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Gods greatest gifts are your children love them unconditionally so proud and inspired hy what u have become what is not apparent on the surface is your amazing heart ❤️ this is for sure your greatest gift continue to be compassionate and loving i love and cherish you keep going the world is yours
Likes : 5928

30. 5.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 5.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Throw back from last fathers day nyc …bode bikram yoga express class .. vegan lunch cryotherapy vitamin drip … all around amazing day ❤️ @aokileesimmons love you always
Likes : 5562

31. 5.5K Likes

Russell Simmons - 5.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : i sent this to a few friends a few of them called and said they “needed to hear this” so im sharing this with the world remember think positive the imagination is everything The above is absolutely true for you …but you must add the work., resilience and yes have the faith ❤️
Likes : 5465

32. 5.4K Likes

Russell Simmons - 5.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Practice loving each situation… that sounds difficult or “impossible ” but the enlightened ones are separated from life’s ups and downs the established yogi sees life like a move His heart is so open that all his directions for “his role” come directly from God …This person grounded in yoga sees only God in all situations This state of Christ conciousness and or freedom is lifes end result and only goal therefore retain the practice “let go and let God”
Likes : 5410

33. 5.1K Likes

Russell Simmons - 5.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 5060

34. 4.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : im hoping that even though we didn’t compensate or celebrate him properly in life that we look back and promote his legacy for the current and future generations rip EDDIE CHEBA ❤️
Likes : 4628

35. 4.6K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.6K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : i remember when u decided to take this path everyone tried to talk you out of it i said i support what ever makes u happy Yes u you are a proven brilliant academic and you have so many other amazing talents, obviously u have great communication skills how else does one become a supermodel ? Remember you and i are alike we pick something and we stick to it remember when you wanted top ivy league school ? you got it and graduated harvard at 20 !!!well here you are delivering what u imagined again i always quoted Paramahansa Yogananda to you “the imagination is God ” keep dreaming but notice that u ARE where you said u would be (once again) ❤️ i predict that you are gonna make a powerful impact in this world on so many occasions just know that im incredibly proud of you .. if you quit or double down or whatever u decide you are already more then a perfect yogi ❤️ i love you more then i love anything… unconditionally and to the ends of this earth
Likes : 4558

36. 4.5K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.5K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Likes : 4461

37. 4.4K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : i just learned about the passing of the man i modeled my whole career/ life after Clarence Avante the greatest teacher and servant to all the people who were lucky enough to know him This beautiful thoughtful man will be missed by so many people i dont have a prayer of comfort just yet but please family …wrap your arms around his close family if u can 🙏🏾
Likes : 4392

38. 4.4K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 4356

39. 4.3K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Flexibility in the spine is said to be the key to remaining youthful and activating spiritual growth so my 100 plus year old ass is always lengthening the spine 😂#chinesemedicine #yogananda #qigong ❤️
Likes : 4280

40. 4.3K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : SO i went to America 9 days ago my office (Gushcloud) there had some critical meetings that “zoom couldn’t fix” – and my new venture w/@snoopdogg and his son @cbroadus Sharestix is really exciting.. this kid @cbrodus i call him my mentor …..also i was co hosting a fun bet party (the prelude) with @mclyte which i helped set up but decided against attending ❤️ fyi i generally only make those trips with the expectations that i can see my daughters last fathers day i spent 3 days in a row in nyc with my beloved @aokileesimmons but this year God or the devil 👿 had other plans .:/still for sure im grateful for all experiences God sends… sometimes they are not easy to digest but there ARE lessons ,. Remember to remember to always look for the blessings in the perceived curses, they are always there congratulations to honorees of first annual prelude celebration @monascottyoung @officialbigdaddykane and @bustarhymes special shoutout to @stanlathan @alanelliott8 @simonereyes @porschethomas ans my partners @mclyte and @lynnrichardson keep smiling yogis
Likes : 4263

41. 4.3K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.3K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Been the most fun Hanging with and learning from personal heros like rap masterminds /pioneers like Salt from salt and pepper and mc lyte and so many super successful black women ! @mclyte @dr.vdedanzine @_iam_gyssel_ @drtheresa @alicia_bowens @daonlysalt @lynnrichardson @mclyte @yvonnemcnair_cmg #Blackqueens ❤️
Likes : 4250

42. 4.2K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.2K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : If u ever got a chance to to sit at his feet you know what an inspiration he was ❤️
Likes : 4196

43. 4.1K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4.1K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : my meditation this morning was my mother Evelyn Simmons was an amazing women she created life and nurtured my 2 brothers and myself she like my brothers was an artist she encouraged us to follow our dreams mom i love you ❤️ @dannysimmonsjr @revwon
Likes : 4085

44. 4K Likes

Russell Simmons - 4K Likes - Top Liked Instagram Posts and Photos

Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : LOVE COMBATS HATE i spent 25 years improving relations between Muslims and Jews and despite the media and everyone else saying it was impossible we (Rabbi Schneier and i) built programs where Palestinian imams spoke in Israeli synagogues and Israeli Rabbis spoke in Palestinian mosques it was my ignorance of what was “impossible” that helped get this done it’s that same “ignorance” that believes there is a way forward i have so many jewish/ Israeli and muslim /Palestinian friends that i can’t be silent so i want to share my opinions First let me share my deep condolences along with my hurt, pain about the killing on innocent people this is a travesty THE ACTIONS OF HAMAS are in human and there is no reason for killing innocent women and children All people should speak out against those actions note This is all playing into the hands of more haters…unfortunately the retaliation will create more antisemitism …but some of it is collateral damage ,they have to protect themselves ?…….. BUT very important to note and make record that the retaliation by Israel also includes WAR CRIMES AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS there HAS to be better ways to PROTECT ISREALI CITIZENS and wage this war ALSO We must create what i see as a necessary part of the solution .:Let’s look at how a lot more of the support and-resources sent to the region, especially israel, can be used to DRAMATICALLY improve the condition of the lives of the the Palestinian people ( call it reparations) SUPPORT them until they are willingly your allies in dismantling Hamas ( this will take time patience and real investment) and of course going forward .// instead of expansion use compassion as your weapon LOVE WILL WIN ❤️ BE PATIENT TRUST IN GOD last note we are all children of Abraham Gods children
Likes : 3951

45. 3.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : So much fun and love 32 hours on the ground seeing loved ones and celebrating my friend lyor cohen now … back home to yoga vegan disneyland ❤️
Likes : 3888

46. 3.8K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : ❤️ just a thought ❤️
Likes : 3789

47. 3.8K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : God is forgiving let the past sit Set a new course for the kingdom today …be loving compassionate and generous ..these are the qualities of a happy person.. practice these things and u will be rewarded #superrich
Likes : 3760

48. 3.7K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Hip hop royalty showed up for lyor Cohen and @cityofhope They raised many millions for such a good cause ❤️
Likes : 3669

49. 3.6K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : ❤️
Likes : 3615

50. 3.6K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 3569

51. 3.6K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Idealistic/Naive (for some) perhaps is it the goal YES …Scriptures give specific instructions on “right behavior” yet we claim our religions but ignore the word of God As individuals we can live our lives based on the teachings so even as the world shows us bad actors we can be the “good actors” ❤️ #ceasefire
Likes : 3554

52. 3.5K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : The gifts from the creator are not only the toys and shit …its the evolution, the path to the kingdom… that is paved with some joy and yes some struggle… accept all of What God gives u and grow Have faith we are on our way to the kingdom❤️❤️❤️
Likes : 3521

53. 3.5K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : we could never honor her enough So glad for her presence in my life ❤️ @mclyte ❤️
Likes : 3520

54. 3.4K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Have a beautiful blessed Friday❤️ Dont forget to think elevated thoughts. expect good things Heres a yogic practice practice loving everybody and everything all the time but hang with people and in places that lift u up ❤️ @jules_febre @gdasbali
Likes : 3430

55. 3.4K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : this is the practice ❤️
Likes : 3401

56. 3.4K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : time flys @mingleesimmons you are such an amazing accomplished smart ,thoughtful, compassionate , loving daughter God blessed me with your presence in my life im thrilled that u are being celebrated at this moment by so many loving friends.:: im a lil down that im not there today but im sure u know that your daddy is always here when u need him know that you are my shinning light …also know that u are always shinning brighter in my heart and inspiring me to be a better person .:. today and everyday im so so so proud of you love you to the ends of the earth❤️ ps to all my activist friends lighten up the coat is fake ❤️
Likes : 3350

57. 3.3K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : keep your prayers ELEVATED …dont pray for stuff …pray to end your neediness, pray for acceptance pray to operate from a place of needing nothing do the work forget the results male the work your focus dont worry ..:: These prayers will attract the universe❤️
Likes : 3341

58. 3.3K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : 4 yearz ❤️
Likes : 3304

59. 3.1K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : damnnnn ❤️ God blessed me and everyone who knows my girls
Likes : 3143

60. 3.1K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : keep your head up some things or people make you feel bad !!! They are not an excuse Do and be “GOOD” anyway ❤️
Likes : 3130

61. 3.1K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : “one should practice yoga consistently ,daily and w/out interruption” THE YOGA SUTRAS obviously this refers to all 8 limbs of yoga including all spiritual and ethical laws the physical ( asana) portion of yogic science allows ones channels to open to more easily receive the blessings that come from this obedience in short devotion and or service to God or good karmic work along with taking care of ones temple are essential practices for those who want to realize the kingdom❤️ sunset yoga with @lina__yue @janeyvi
Likes : 3059

62. 3K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : i signed this young lady Boss was the first of only a very few Gangster rappers on def jam .. while it was obvious to us i always pushed for “the reasons” so more would understand …i spent so much time in the studio with this angel what memories this women was the best example i can think of ..why gangster rap ? she exuded and expressed the despair and struggle that gangster rap exposed …she suffered from being too sensitive and was so descriptive of her pain …she expressed it on record she saw the sickness in our society and the only way she could make it right with her ,as an artist, was to call it out GO BACK AND LISTEN ❤️ rip angel ur exterior was tough but ur heart was too sweet for this world… travel safe God favors you ❤️
Likes : 2982

63. 3K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : here’s something to smile announcement … @iamjamiefoxx daughter says he is home from hospital ❤️
Likes : 2969

64. 2.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 2928

65. 2.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : famous comedian activists and nutritionist dick gregory (rip) said treadmills are ok but for brain function and well being walking in nature beats the hell out of it … ever since i heard that and shared it with my personal nutritionist… i have been walking daily # as a former druggie i can actually say that i do all my routine to get high ice bath, meditation (2xdaily) sauna ,hot yoga cryo , walking ,elliptical machine and dance 3-4 times a week I STAY HIGH ❤️ oh yes and i work all hours this last chapter of my life is dedicated to promoting happy healthy living i want to make a meaningful difference prayers are that we as a people wake up and take care of ourselves i have lost too many friends too young while some others are too young to be immobile #love you ❤️
Likes : 2902

66. 2.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : @aokileesimmons you did the work traveled back and forth from boston /harvard to nyc ..rain or shine.. you went to shitty auditions and inspired your agents and clients did this on your own !!!working toward your dream and now look the imagination is everything or as yogananda says “the imagination is God ” take this as your mantra faith and resilience is all u need proud of you ❤️@aokileesimmons
Likes : 2886

67. 2.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 2877

68. 2.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : WOW throwback to when my brother @kobebryant endorsed this amazing seed of an idea GOD bless you brother …. rest in eternal peace❤️also Thank you to many other people who built this brand too many to name ❤️❤️ also thank you @50cent for showing me “grape and watermelon” (inside story) Finally 😂Thank God for the revolutionary growth and the upcoming resolution ❤️
Likes : 2858

69. 2.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : HOP HOP 50 Maybe The biggest rapper / draw for shows in queens was a very talented rapper his stage name was Woody Wood Woody was a clear cut unapologetic knock off of the great dj hollywood He like everyone in hip hop studied hollywood but he took all of hollywoods routines and did them line for line for a living!!!!! and was a big star in queens because of it …he had woodys angels like hollys angels he had a disco son as did kurtis blow (dj run who later became rundmc like (dj small the son of hollywood) who also recorded all of you people who unintentionally distort history please go ask any 65 -75 year old living in harlem or the bronx before u add to the misinformation happy hip hop 50 i hope hollywood and cheba get their recognition ❤️
Likes : 2853

70. 2.8K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : IM WITH BOSSIE all of what he says is factual and underneath the real threat of retaliation from crews or crazy fans against these cultural heros is the sickness that festers inside US …when we thirst for this destruction of these peoples lives its hurts our very souls yes im old and with age comes wisdom and experience remember i made tupacs last movie and walked biggie to his last car ride these things start small and no matter how “level headed” these guys are there are always people trying to find purpose and thats the danger to them.// meanwhile these 2 giants together could save millions of lives in the congo or create the climate for a ceasefire in Gaza kendrick is destined to lead his fans in a conscious revolution dont underestimate his purpose ❤️@boosieofficial
Likes : 2816

71. 2.7K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : GOOD EVENING lovelies REMEMBER TO REMEMBER God is working and conspiring with YOU for your greatness so think high minded thoughts and soar @aokileesimmons @mingleesimmons ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🙏🏾🧘‍♀️
Likes : 2723

72. 2.7K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : part 1 …experiences with will smith, rick rubin, tommy hilfiger, brian grazer.
Likes : 2704

73. 2.6K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 2631

74. 2.6K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 2625

75. 2.6K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 2599

76. 2.6K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : let us recognize that every single place in this world (even here in indonesia) the darker people have less value white supremacy sits on the thrown physically and psychologically… Black people are not “newsworthy or valued the same as europeans” Yesterday a scared and frustrated “religious” jewish person told me the only reason the world and the media is highlighting the suffering in Gaza is because we are Jews” my response maybe that’s true .: but repeat that to yourself and ask if that makes the Israeli governments actions just i have so many conservative and liberal jewish friends who are afraid and worried about their families i pray for them and an end to the incredible rise of antisemitism … i pray for the end of the suffering and abuse in Gaza i just pray for Gods intervention i have remained silent lately i will reserve my small voice for after the war … with access to Gaza …can we begin loud strong acts of kindness and reparations for the innocent survivors of the horrific moment in history ? this is another way in which we can judge the Israeli Government… on how they treat the survivors as for the above please please please learn about the abuse and find out how we can be helpful iam reeducating myself and concerned with the ongoing abuse and disruption of African governments and lives by aggressive un checked greedy cooperations let’s live clean spiritual lives but that does not mean ignoring the world we live in your voice matters ❤️
Likes : 2586

77. 2.5K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : RAP BEEF 🕉️
Likes : 2548

78. 2.5K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : A hip hop story GO SEE IT
Likes : 2508

79. 2.5K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : my lifelong friends @stanlathan and his amazing wife @maggylathan are here @gdasbali what a pleasure so lovely to spend quality time eating healthy visiting spiritual temples , and sharing healing experiences… and using the various healimg modalities ..we are rebooting our lives putting years on our futures and experiencing nature at its best ps stan is the legenday director and the architect behind my hollywood successes in def movies def tv shows and even def jam on broadway peabody awards naacp awards peoples choice award Tony’s and lots of other amazing experiences together
Likes : 2468

80. 2.4K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Throwback I WILL ALWAYS BE DEEPLY GRATEFUL .. All families go through struggle and moments of disconnection but in the end love wins ..Kimora Lee Simmons .. i will never stop loving you for the wonderful gifts you have given me …and the world., thank you over and over for my two lovely daughters and also the amazing god children… praying for your continued blessings… for sure they are the results of all you have given to so many🙏🏾 sending love today and always HAPPY MOTHERS DAY ❤️
Likes : 2449

81. 2.4K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : practice loving everyone all the time …build boundaries and move on remember jesus had a pocket full of passes God will deliver karma its not your burden to carry let God sort them out
Likes : 2402

82. 2.2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : @officialbigdaddykane added some insight to lifes practices that must be adhered to @rev_ike_quotes @paramahansa_yogananda_quotes @goddess_lakshmi
Likes : 2173

83. 2.2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : ❤️
Likes : 2160

84. 2.2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : what a dress From last nights dinner that i missed 🌹 thank you @ninawcooper My dearest @mingleesimmons today is the real bday and today i celebrate again.. know that seeing you smile is enough for me The real cause for my celebration shines every time i see you smiling …keep going keep on ,the world is yours ..remember all the lessons we shared All the books that i made u read know that the ideas in my books were never my creations …but infact they are re purposed (stolen) they are the only lasting truths!!!! remember to remember the basis of the sciences of all religions ../ they are forever true::: no matter what the world is teaching…. God is the ultimate teacher and his Laws are the basis of lasting happiness …you always say “i know daddy” but even i forget daily …so im just reminding you again🌺🌺🌺 LOVE YOU ❤️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Likes : 2154

85. 2.1K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 2140

86. 2.1K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : yoga everyday dam 🤍
Likes : 2067

87. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : “sickness cannot live in the body that does yoga daily” this scripture refers to more then just the asana practice but a key component is physical yoga the sutras say “yoga should be practiced long hard and w/9out interruption” ❤️ consistency is key!!!! if u remember to remember that lifes greatest gift is a comfortable seat you will make your temple clean for seated prayer (meditation)
Likes : 2049

88. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : YESTERDAY was oct 4 in Bali i received so many flowers so many .//from so many unlikely places and it made me reflect.. You are blessed if some of the flowers you receive are from people whose lives u have actually affected in a positive way you are blessed to be a good servant off the divine we are here to serve Give w/out expectation dont worry you will be rewarded with happiness and even worldly returns keep giving GOOD GIVERS ARE GREAT GETTERS ❤️
Likes : 2030

89. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 2021

90. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Whats a gift if u are not sharing give what u are receiving❤️
Likes : 2020

91. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : a slice of heaven ❤️@mingleesimmons love you unconditionally…always 🌹
Likes : 1989

92. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption :
Likes : 1962

93. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : If God call me mow amd asks for a refund 🙏🏾 i get it i ….have lived a blessed life …:This clip from defjam 25 brings up amazing memories of the many talented comedians i was lucky enough to serve .::early im their careers #what a blessing ❤️ @iamnialong @therealmikeepps @joetorry @stanlathan @bob.sumner
Likes : 1961

94. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : so grown😂 im so proud of you thanking God for you everyday ❤️ @mingleesimmons
Likes : 1956

95. 2K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : blessed to have a ringside seat and witnessed the rise of so many talented and beautiful people who have become great forces for good ❤️ @discotwins
Likes : 1951

96. 1.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : this week in Bali ❤️ come to mother Bali for healing for speeding up or optimizing your growth the most feminine island in the world 🌎 ❤️ oh stay @gdasbali award winning hotel/healing center
Likes : 1941

97. 1.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : So happy to share this evening with these life long friends.. reminds me of an important fact about my life.. i have made /earned friendships from all over the world …if i die tomorrow many people from all over :. will see-my daughters and say “i loved your father ” ❤️ that is a piece of my EARNED legacy.. loving people has been easy to do has been a privilege and a blessing … NOTE to the bride and groom thank you for including me …to the groom i knew and loved your mother and father before u were born …if u can love and take care of your family as they did you will be amazing ❤️ all love ..TO THE LEGACY OF THE MALNIKS ❤️ last note …jews get married like blacks ./.WITH SOUL ❤️ #maralagopalmbeach 🕺
Likes : 1931

98. 1.9K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : this morning i send a prayer to my mother /::my friend cleaned up and colorized this image its amazing the picture is 65 years old and it looks pristine ❤️
Likes : 1856

99. 1.8K Likes

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Russell Simmons Instagram
Caption : Turning 66 SOON ./and i was just reflecting and feeling grateful For all of life’s gifts including the “struggle” Struggle is the nucleus for growth so accept it all “good” and “bad” as Gods gift thank you @drtroy_ i didn’t mean today lol its actually oct 4 ill be 66 but i was just saying im old lol😇 and 66 sounds old 😆yes 66 when/ if i reach it will be a blessing ❤️
Likes : 1842

100. 1.8K Likes

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Caption :
Likes : 1828