Sandra Rosko Most Liked Photos and Posts

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Most liked photo of Sandra Rosko with over 6.1K likes is the following photo

Most liked Instagram photo of Sandra Rosko
We have around 25 most liked photos of Sandra Rosko with the thumbnails listed below. Click on any of them to view the full image along with its caption, like count, and a button to download the photo.

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Sandra Rosko Thumbnail - 2.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Sandra Rosko Thumbnail - 2.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
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Sandra Rosko Thumbnail - 2.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
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Sandra Rosko Thumbnail - 2.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos
Sandra Rosko Thumbnail - 2.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

1. 6.1K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 6.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : To celebrate #jfk on the anniversary of the #jfkassassination and the term #conspiracytheory (and the anniversary of Fauci’s final White House briefing – thanks, #infowars ! 😘), you can own #hollywoodandvinethemovie for $0.99 on Amazon! haha I had the pleasure of impersonating him for a few nights while filming, and his spirit is still very much alive through @childrensHD and everyone one who questions authority and thinks critically! Join us! @farnhamronald @kimberlypal14 @lejonpirate #onelove
Likes : 6062

2. 5.3K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 5.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : While you’re flying high tonight, you #mustwatch … & don’t forget … & While you’re at it, catch all of the shows from this past week! Truth has its own frequency, and these really resonate with me: wars. com/show #onelove #Godbless #teamhumanity
Likes : 5331

3. 4.5K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 4.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : @shitstormmovie has a couple of laurels! So #Shitstorm will hit fans everywhere… #staytuned 😄
Likes : 4506

4. 4.5K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 4.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Where do I begin? haha Well I hope everyone had a great Independence Day, for one! #GodblessAmerica and human rights and sovereignty! Info wars. Com / show #wewillnotcomply I’ve been trying to keep up and maintain and everything; needless to say that posting on social media is not a top priority haha… But I finally have a minute, and I feel like I should let everyone know that I’m alive and well haha For real tho! I love you all. I hope all is well with you! That being said, #mercuryretrograde is real haha Lower your expectations, and don’t take it too personal… As we enter September, enjoy your harvest! & Enjoy your karma haha “Karma is a bitch” only applies to bitches… #onelove everyone!
Likes : 4481

5. 4.2K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 4.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Thank you, everyone, for all the “happy birthday” love! Any birthday not spent at my mother’s funeral is fucking phenomenal, I gotta say haha & while I’m not supposed to say what my birthday wish is… Please love yourself, love everyone else, seek out and find the truth, and support alternative media and watch – & no it’s not a “dangerous scam page” but thanks for defining irony and proving them right – and join #thegreatawakening ❤️ #thegreatawakeninghasbegun #weareone #onelove #oneday #onehumanfamily #davidickewasright #alexjoneswasright #fuckauthority & contact your senators and representatives to #protectthechildren – they vote tomorrow! #dosomething #saysomething #lovewins always. ❤️🌈🇺🇲🌎💞
Likes : 4214

6. 3.4K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 3.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : I know I’m mad late; but #happynewyear ! 🥳 haha It’s all I can do to keep up on real life, emails, and text messages, I tell ya… & pretty much everything that I’m up to now can’t be shared publicly… But don’t worry, I’ll never work for the CIA! haha Crazy how so many in Hollywood do: that whole “how am I supposed to get on TV unless I have TV credits?!” suddenly makes sense… 2023 was better than anyone expected, so my expectations are still ridiculously low for 2024 haha Pleasantly surprised #FTW! & #faithoverfear always ♥️ #GodblessAmerica and #Godblesshumanity and #Godblessyou . I love you all. Here’s to the best year yet! No really haha Play your part, do your best, and #freehumanity for good. Even God gave us free will. 😉😘✌️❤️ #teamhuman #teamhumanity #team99percent #alexjoneswasright info warsstore. com info wars. com/show brightu. com ickonic. com bright eon. com xoxoxo 🙏
Likes : 3405

7. 3.3K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 3.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : After everything I’ve already posted about this @coinbase #FAIL I just received this email, proving again that they haven’t even began their investigation! That I made a claim about on July 28th!!! I was sending everyone to #coinbase but I take it all back! Take your money elsewhere!!! #buyerbeware The whole point of buying #bitcoin was so it couldn’t be stolen!!!!!
Likes : 3331

8. 3.2K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 3.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : #realtalk Those that know me might tell you that I am mentally a dude… & I can’t disagree haha… I also think that, frankly, nobody is that stupid haha & some girls play the role that they think that they need to, in order for men to not feel threatened by them. So they’ll accept them.  Because all any of us want is to be loved and accepted. Personally, I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.  You might have noticed haha… & #CanIJustSay that yes, everything is fluid, ebbing and flowing…  We’re all about 50% water (over 50% if you’re young, look it up!)…  & We all have both masculine and feminine energy; Divine masculine and feminine energy, in fact.  Both were given to us selflessly by the Divine that blessed every single one of us with our time here on Earth, on this roller coaster of emotions that we as a society have labeled “life.”  Divine masculine and feminine energy were given to us by the same Divine Mother and Father who would sooner honor our God-given free will, rather than come in and scold us and show us what a Great Reset really looks like.  That being said, the only true gender affirmation is what’s between your legs. We’ll figure it out.  Embrace who you are, truly.  Fuck what anybody else wants to label it as.  (& Get over labels and words like “fuck” – I’m not cursing anything, I’m actually making light of all of the dark shit haha)  Know yourself.  Love yourself.  Only then can you really love anybody else.  Be as kind to yourself as you are to other people.  We all deserve and are worthy of love; otherwise, we wouldn’t have made it this far.  We are the survivors. Speaking of survival: Cherish and protect your body, every single part of it, especially your “reproductive organs” – as they are the lock and key for someone else’s lock and key, so to speak.  Good sex is the physical expression of love, and creation, and connection, and how all of us made it here (pun intended).  & They are what is going to keep all of us here, learning and growing and crying and laughing and figuring out what it is we’re really here to do. & #Imustsay it’s definitely not working overtime for fiat currency.  See comments…
Likes : 3174

9. 3.1K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 3.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : It’s that time of year again… Only this year’s party is gonna be extra special 🥳: 1. While it won’t be at my mother’s funeral (as extra special as that was), this will be the ten year anniversary 💞… 2. It’s also a farewell party, as I’m getting far away from California! 😅 First stop: Detroit! Gotta see my homies and shows that I haven’t seen in – I don’t even know how long… I miss y’all! 💓 BUT FIRST!!!: You heard about this #FEMA “test” happening TOMORROW right? RIGHT?! #knowaboutit Saw five seconds on the news this morning confirming that it’s happening. 2p EST / 11a-1p PST at least, PLEASE turn off all devices – put them in the microwave if you don’t have a faraday cage. Take a hike, bro. Just in case 😘 Here’s to another year with this blessed life ❤️ – society aka #agenda2030 is cursed (& therefore doomed to fail ✌️), life / God / nature is a beautiful blessing! 🥰 Here’s to the best year yet, man… I love y’all! Now *sings* let’s get together and feel all right #onelove
Likes : 3129

10. 3.1K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 3.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : This was a gem (diamond in the rough) that I brought back with me from my dad’s – why I went back to Detroit last month (to get my childhood things from his place, since he’s moving) – an old diary (don’t read! 🤨) that included illustrations of that time that a pedophile followed me and my BFF in to “Jungle to Jungle” in 1997…!?!?! I couldn’t stop laughing at the time and, as fucked up as it was, it’s comedy material in #mylifeasadarkcomedy … & apparently I was already casually saying “fuck” haha… So what happened was, this whack motherfucker sat near us and started throwing Skittles at us just to get us to watch him jerk off. True story. Fucking Skeetles yo haha (this is way before the song came out) *sings* from the window (there were no windows) to the walls haha Oh-we-oh-we-oh (this song was already out, obviously)… Didn’t even realize that it happened on 4/20; nothing against bud or anyone who fucks with it! This guy should have been off smoking a joint rather than jerking off in front of ten year olds… #moralofthestory Don’t let your ten year old go to the movies alone, even if they say “fuck” already and are highly independent. They may never see Skittles in the same way again. & worse yet, they may become a comedian. #justsaying #Godblesscomedy #onelove #raisethevibration #protectthechildren #fuckdragqueenstorytime
Likes : 3051

11. 3K Likes

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Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : #fortherecord #woman defined 😘
Likes : 2995

12. 2.9K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.9K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Hey beautiful people! As you probably know by now, I’ve written and now I’m casting (YAY!!!) a movie that highlights the crazy antics of the White House with lots of added humorous twists. I need your help making my dream a success! 1. Please follow my movie page at @shitstormmovie 2. Share the page with your followers. 3. If you are an actor or actress check out our main characters and submit for a role. Self tape auditions are being accepted for the next 3 weeks. SUBMIT ASAP! Break a leg! 4. Stay updated by checking posts for all roles being cast on the @shitstormmovie instagram page. Thank you! I love you all! ❤🎭🎬🌠🌈💩 #shitstorm #shitstormmovie #dumptrump #nowcasting #laactors #castingcalls #auditions #onelove #staytuned
Likes : 2888

13. 2.8K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.8K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Just read my acceptance letter into that accelerated LVN program… Some #goodnews for the day! I hope your days are surprisingly good too! 😉😘 #onelove
Likes : 2784

14. 2.5K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.5K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Doing all I can to stay positive (except for #coronavirus ) during this time, and I hope and pray that you all are too! We’re better than that! Know that! @shitstormmovie is casting so get submitted ASAP! I look forward to working with you soon! I love you all! #staytuned #onelove ❤🎭🎬🌈🌠
Likes : 2493

15. 2.4K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Only lies are not being censored. Do not be afraid. WAKE UP and stop complying to what seeks to destroy to you. #numbersdontlie #onelove ❤🙏💗🌈🥰
Likes : 2396

16. 2.4K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.4K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Starting the new year with some new #headshots ! Very special thanks to @desertbornproductions and everyone else who makes living the dream possible! I love you all! #onelove ❤ #staytuned at 🌈
Likes : 2381

17. 2.3K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.3K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Hey! Are you aware this is happening? Freedom fighters using peaceful protests to protect their rights, going down in history with the likes of Martin Luther King Jr?! Bravo, Canada! & Australia and New Zealand and everyone else being the light in this tyrannical darkness! This is NOT a threat to democracy! This is the only way a democracy/republic survives! & it has nothing to do with Donald Trump! haha #realtalk America should echo the ring of freedom and put an end to this manipulative madness! If Americans aren’t watching international news, then they’re missing what’s really going on. Stop the fear mongering and the hate driven rhetoric and see Agenda 2030 aka the NOT “great reset” aka for what it really is. My Twitter @sandrarosko is all about exposing it, and the reason why I would rather get COVID than play a part in communist aka Hollywood #propaganda #dosomething #saysomething #lovewins ALWAYS ❤️ #dothemath #onelove #team99percent #notthatstupid
Likes : 2271

18. 2.2K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Words cannot describe how grateful I am for 2021… #happynewyear , everyone! Even though the last year was far from all rainbows; I did manage to see a few… I managed to book multiple commercials… I managed to get a new car… I managed to survive, just like you! 😘 We did it!!! May 2021 be the best year yet! I love you all! ❤🌈💖 #staytuned at & keep loving yourselves and each other! 💞 #onelove
Likes : 2244

19. 2.2K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : #onelove #shityourmomsays ❤
Likes : 2194

20. 2.2K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.2K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Aw shit. ARE YOU READY?! As you’ve heard, @director_ryanadams @sandramiska and I are creating a HUGE storm; a parody based on our current political system. We’re all living it: @shitstormmovie !!! Please join us! Play your role and be a part of the light during this dark time in history. We’re in the final days for self auditions so don’t delay! Select your character and send in your tapes! & Follow @shitstormmovie for updates! #staytuned #onelove #nowcasting #comedy #shitstormmovie #itsexactlywhatitsoundslike ❤🎭🎬🌈🌠💩
Likes : 2176

21. 2.1K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Somebody call James Bond; I can’t stop laughing! Ahahaha I just can’t take this guy seriously… THIS is the bitch causing all this drama? Really?! #takemetoyourleader haha I was looking for his address, and I found this! & Made my first meme! haha It’s a bad joke, folks; but I think I found the punchline… Ahahaha #theyhateuscausetheyaintus There’s not enough adrenochrome in the multiverse… #toosoon sorry, somebody please just get her an abusive boyfriend that will put her in line… #kidding sorry it doesn’t shut off haha #Godblesscomedy #GodblessAmerica #FUCKtheWEF #FUCKVANGUARD #FUCKBLACKROCK #FUCKAgenda2030 #onelove tho, always! ❤️🌈😁😘🇺🇲
Likes : 2148

22. 2.1K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : #standforfreedom and #axethevax November 8-11! While I have been blessed to not have to deal with this not-an-actual-vaccine-mandate directly – fuck Hollywood, SAG, and anyone else who supports this modern-day Eugenics (aka Nazi) agenda – I stand with all 99% of you in human and patriotic spirit (not to be confused with any kind of terrorism, which is what those who are trying to take away our human and constitutional rights actually are), a spirit that can and will NEVER BE BROKEN! Here’s to our calling, our true purpose in this lifetime! God bless us all! God bless the children! & God bless America! Freedom for all! ❤😇🇺🇲 #onelove #dosomething #saysomething #lovewins ALWAYS 🥰 #happyveteransday #gonebutneverforgotten #listentoyourancestors
Likes : 2146

23. 2.1K Likes

Sandra Rosko - 2.1K Likes - Most Liked Instagram Photos

Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : Staying away from anything that’s been infiltrated by modern-day Nazis – #nuremberg 2.0 #FTW! – except for the #Bahamas haha Made a lil getaway around work, before school starts again… & Even if you haven’t been to school in years, or haven’t yet read #1984 or #bravenewworld , take comfort in the fact that WE ARE NOT STUPID. WE ARE NOT WEAK. Hitler claimed that the Jews proved that they were weak by acquiescence to his obviously insane demands. Wish you were there to stand up to him? PROVE IT. If you’re vaccinated, and the vaccinations work, then any unvaccinated PERSON is irrelevant. Do NOT let the PROPAGANDA dehumanize ANYONE. WE ARE FREE. OUR BODY, OUR CHOICE. NEVER MEDICAL TYRANNY. It’s the Nazi playbook, if the unvaccinated were Jewish in this modern-day scenario. Please see that, #humanity, and don’t let history repeat itself. #inglouriousbasterds is my new favorite bedtime story… #justsaying … #dosomething #saysomething #lovewins #onelove #fucknazis ❤🌈😇
Likes : 2115

24. 2.1K Likes

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Sandra Rosko Instagram
Caption : For my birthday, I wish that all of us living, breathing souls of Earth become one in #thegreatawakeninguncensored and protect the children from The World Economic Forum / Agenda 2030. Civil disobedience is key! I’ve never been more grateful to be a rebel. & this is why! #dosomething #saysomething #lovewins always 😁❤
Likes : 2110